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Tuesday, 18 December 2018

18/Dec/18 the Christmas tree is still standing

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So I've got this "power" tail.

It creates it's own air currents. 

It's been known to clear everything off coffee tables and end tables.

It makes it's own noise when thumping into cupboards.

It's just a HUGE powerful tail.

When Tonya's on her computer, I will often go to her and try to get pats from her.  This in turn makes me happy.  Since I really can't smile, I wag my tail instead.  BUT that sets up this wind machine and will make the Big Guy cold from all the air that my tail is moving.

Now, this is fine in the Summer.  But right now, it's not Summer.  It's Winter and it's colder than normal in the house.  So when I'm swishing my tail, the Big Guy is cold.  So he will often try to get my attention and then I turn around.  Now the air is being moved over Tonya.

But unless she is having a heat flash, she doesn't enjoy my tail swishing the air for her either.

I can't really count how many items I've cleared off the coffee table.  Or the end tables.  Or the little TV tables that the Big Guy and Tonya uses.  Sometimes, they will put their food on that table and my tail is swishing right into their food.

So far, no one has told me that they are going to cut my tail off.  That would be nasty.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having his first swim

Bye bye fur now

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