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Thursday, 13 December 2018

13/Dec/18 I'm upset, you don't share your breakfast

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I really like to curl up on this chair.  It protects me on three sides.  Then I can open my eye and stare out at stuff that gets my attention.

Being curled up like this also keeps me warm.

The humans turns down the heat during the night.  Which is fine.  I'm not really that cold.

There has been nights when they forget to turn down the heat.  Which doesn't bother me at all.  I mean, who really enjoys being cold at night?

The Big Guy will often comment that he is not homeless and he doesn't understand how people could do that in Canada.  It's just way too cold outside.

It snowed last night.  Not a lot.  But enough to make the old snow, white again.  It makes Winter look nice once again.


This Saturday...  they are forecasting for rain.

Now that makes the Big Guy smile.  Imagine that.  Someone that doesn't like the snow that much.

Oh well, you can't please them all.

Your Blast From the Past

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog is home again

Bye bye fur now

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