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Thursday, 20 December 2018

20/Dec/18 just catching up on my sleep

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy is not feeling very generous.  There are people that park in, or across, his driveway from time to time.  Oh and doesn't that annoy him!  They don't just do it to his driveway.  Oh to be sure, these people do it to all the people that live in the area.

Yesterday, the Big Guy had me out for my walk and he was muttering under his breath the entire walk.

The Big Guy was talking with the Crossing Guard and also his neighbor that lives at the corner of Stanley and Archibauld.  He was also complaining about someone parking across his driveway as well.  But apparently, if he catches the person, he doesn't just get upset, he goes out and talks with the "offender".

One guy that used to work with the Big Guy said that the drop off street is supposed to be Archibaud street, not Stanley.  But everyone ignores that.

That school was designed for when kids used to walk to school.  Now kids are soft.  They have to be driven to school.  Out of the several hundred kids that go to that school, there are only a handful that actually walk to school.

Don't get the Big Guy started on when they close the school for inclement weather.  Which in his mind, happens way too often.  Then again, there are also those children that have to be bused to school.  

The Big Guy as a solution to that.  Since most of the kids are "online", have the teacher hold class by remote.  Like "live" YouTube or something like that.  Oh, then the parents would cry foul on that too.

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Max our Bernese Mountain Dog without anyone to play with at the dog park

Bye bye fur now

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