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Thursday, 27 December 2018

27/Dec/18 I've got laser pointers for eyes

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So this is that "in between" time, it isn't Christmas any longer, but it isn't New Years yet either.  It's just the "in between" time.

The Christmas decorations are still up, but will soon be coming down.  Some people likely have already started taking their stuff down.  Others, well, they will leave it up till after the New Year.

I wonder what 2019 will bring?

I'm predicting snow.  Very likely tomorrow too.  Only 5 cm though.  Not too much.  Wouldn't want the Big Guy to get out the snow blower.

Last night, the Big Guy wasn't feeling all that well.  He went to bed as soon as Tonya got home.  Which is unusual for him.  But he got up his regular time.  He seems no worst for wear today.  Must have been some 24 hour bug that he caught.

The Big Guy couldn't figure out why his new camera wasn't broadcasting for day light conditions.  Well he was playing around with it and he figured it out.  He had it in "night vision" during the day.  He fixed that.  But right now, due it is snowing a wee bit, the motion detector is going off quite a bit.  Which is fine by him.  He would rather have a few false positives than not have any notifications at all.  He still has to mount the second camera.  Which he thinks he will be doing later on this morning.

Tonya is going to be home early tonight.  She doesn't have a long shift at work today.  So perhaps the Big Guy may be able to make some BBQ'ed Steaks for supper.  She tends to like them a lot.

For that matter, so does he.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video

Max out Bernese Mountain Dog eating his STEAK

Bye bye fur now

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