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Friday, 9 March 2018

9/Mar/18 oh my, what big ears you have

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I was hanging out with Tonya on the couch yesterday.  She has a sore on her back from where the Dr removed a mole from her back.  They put 5 stitches to close her back up.  

I'm not sure how many stitches I got from when I got my dew claws removed.  But unless you really know where to look, you would never know I had an operation to have them removed.

I am allowed to lick my back paws again.  Same with other parts that are missing.  

Well I can't really what is missing, but I can lick the "area" at least.

Well we got some snow.  But not as much as the weatherman had forecasted.  I can hear the plows on the street.  I wonder, if the Big Guy were to ever get a job being able to plow the street, would he use the plow to NOT put as much snow in his own driveway?  Are they allowed to do that?

But, so far, the Big Guy doesn't need to take out his snow blower.  There just isn't enough snow that fell.

The Big Guy made Tonya a Fish Chowder last night.  It smelled so good.  But I wasn't allowed to have any.  It has onions in it and onions are not good for dogs.

Onions contain an ingredient called thiosulphate which is toxic to cats and dogs. The ingestion of onions causes a condition called hemolytic anemia, which is characterized by damage to the red blood cells. Onion toxicity can cause the red blood cells circulating through your pet's body to burst.

That last bit was from Google.  So no onions for me, or stuff that has onions in it.  Apparently Garlic does about the same thing.

So Tonya will have to be aware of what she is putting in my food bowl.

On to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Circumjacent (adjective)
[sur-kuh m-jey-suh nt]

My sentence:  If something is round, it has a circumference.  If something is next to you, it is adjacent.  If you have to walk around something that is next to you, you just walked circumjacent.

Definition:  Lying around, surrounding.

Sentence:  The cat was circumjacent to the fire, trying to stay warm.

Video of the Day:  Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies

Bye bye fur now.

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