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Sunday, 18 March 2018

18/Mar/18 this is MY chair now

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

In the past, Tonya tried to get me a doggie bed.  Yea, that didn't last too long.  I tried to eat it.  It got all ripped up as I was a bad chewer when I was a puppy.  But my teeth hurt so much from the old baby teeth falling out to the new adult teeth growing in.

I know that the Big Guy refused to let the previous dog up on their furniture.  He must be getting soft in his old age.

So...  yesterday...  the Big Guy went for a drive with out me.  Someone tagged him in a video to answer 20 questions about himself.  But he wanted to take it to a new level and drive around to different spots to answer those questions.  

Leave it to him to be different.

He also downloaded the video feeds from his dash cam.  Right now, he is downloading the video's and speeding them up.  So his video will be him answering a question and driving to the next location to answer the next question, over and over till all the questions are answered.  He thinks it will be really nice.  I guess we will see what he comes up with.

Yesterday the Big Guy made these home made hamburgers.  If you recall, from yesterday's blog, they didn't have any burgers in the house.  So he made these Humdinger Burgers.  For the recipe, see this link >>HERE<<

They also remembered that they have this jalapeno pepper mayonnaise that they had purchased at Costco.  Well it made for a spicy burger.

Today's Word of the Day is: Erubescent (adjective)
[er-oo-bes-uh nt]

My sentence:  I've been told, since I'm happy all the time that I'm erubescent.

Definition:  A reddening or blushing.

Sentence:  She was so happy to see him that her fact turned erubescent.


Bye bye fur now.

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