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Monday 5 March 2018

5/Mar/18 can we go to the dog park

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday we went to the Dog Park and I met some new friends.  There was a Labra-Doodle and a German Shepard.  I was the biggest dog there.  

But, it's Spring, sorta.  I know it's still Winter by the calendar.  But it was wet and muddy there.  When I was running, there was mud flying in the air.

I got in the Big Guy's car and put a lot of mud on the canvas cover and on the doors.  We went to the Doggie Spa where I got to have a bath.  Tonya tried to clean in the inside of the car, the best that she could with these wipes that they keep in the car.  

So the car isn't as dirty as what I made it.  But it would still take a lot of patience to clean it up.

The Big Guy put some conditioner on my fur.  I am really soft now.  I smell pretty good too.

Tonya and the Big Guy went to visit their Uncle Rolly as he had some fish cakes for them.  They fried them up using the cast iron skillet.  Man oh man, did they ever smell good.  But they didn't share ANY of it with me.  I even did the putting my mussel on Tonya's lap as she was eating routing.  It didn't work this time.  She said that it tasted too good to share.

I would have traded some kibble for the fish cakes.  But she still didn't share.

After the doggie spa, they took me to the place where I get my dog food.  We also got a new ball for me.  It kinda looks like a kettle weight.  I've been playing with the new ball a lot.  It's rather big so it doesn't roll under the couch.  I tried to take it outside, but I've been told, this in an indoor toy.  

We will see how long that lasts.  Tonya normally gives in.

Today's Word of the Day is:

Deipnosophist (noun)

My sentence:  If you need to be un-hypnotized, you need to see a deipnosophist.

Definition:  A person skilled in the are of dining and dinner-table conversation.

Sentence:  The date was a success; she was indeed a deipnosophist.

Video of the Day:  How to clean a Bernese Mountain Dog

Bye bye fur now.

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