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Thursday, 8 March 2018

9/Mar/18 my food bowl

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

My food bowls are nice and high.  Those bad little mice can't jump high enough to get to my food.

The Big Guy checked his mouse traps and there was nothing from last night.  Tonya talked to a few people and they all got mice in their homes as well.

So were supposed to get a snow storm, today and tomorrow.  All in all, about 30 cm of snow.  With some rain.  That really makes the Big Guy upset.  He really likes rain, but not with snow.  That makes the snow wet and heavy.  That snow doesn't go through the snow blower too good.  

So he is hoping that he will be able to snow blow the yard before it rains and makes the snow harder to move around.

We went for a walk last night and I got to meet a new doggie friend.  He is only little.  He is about 6 months old.  He has black and white fur.  Not three colors like me.  But we got to sniff each other.

Then, further along, I got to meet the the Doctor's wife.  She patted me and rubbed my fur and said how nice and fluffy I am.  She was saying how much I remind her of another Bernese Mountain Dog that she was attached to.  She goes for really long walks.  About 8 or 10 kilometers a day.  I would be some tired if she were to walk me each day.

Tonya has to go to the hospital today to have a mole taken off her back.  She is not looking forward to the procedure.  But she is looking forward to having the mole removed.  I don't think she understands.  She has to have the procedure to have the mole removed.  But once it's removed, she will be able to go home and rest.

Well, on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Ultracrepidarian (noun)
[uhl-truh-krep-i-dari-ee-uh n]

My sentence:  Cats can catch mice, as they sneak up on them.  They use their ultracrepidarian moves to catch them.

Definition:  Someone who criticizes, judges, or gives advice outside their expertise.

Sentence:  Although my father can't cook, he is always telling me how to make dinner - the ultimate ultracrepidarian.

Video of the Day:  Frozen river skating with Bernese Mountain Dog

Bye bye fur now.

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