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Tuesday, 6 March 2018

6/Mar/18 it's nap time

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday I got to go inside Home Hardware again.  I was able to get 3 treats from the staff there.

The Big Guy got a new type of mouse trap.  It has a tube with an elastic band around it.  When the mouse enters the tube, is releases the elastic band around their head.  It is a VERY small elastic band.

Last night, after the Big Guy went upstairs, he though he heard the trap going off.  When he come downstairs, not only did the elastic band trap work, when the mouse got "hit", it fell onto the snap trap and set that one off too.

That mouse was doomed.

The good thing about this new trap, it's safe for me.  There is no way I could get my paw into the trap and get the elastic band around my paw or my tounge.  Now it I were a much smaller dog, that might be different.

But last night, when I was in Home Hardware, I was told, over and over, just how handsome I was.  Those people that patted me were really impressed at how soft my fur is.

One guy smelled his hand after he was done patting me and said that I don't smell doggie.

It must be the food that Tonya and the Big Guy feed me.  It's kinda on the expensive side.  But they said that I am evidence that the good food is good for me.

Well enough about food.  It's time for the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Athleisure (noun)
[ath-lee-zher, -lezh-er]

My sentence:  when an Olympian athlete is watching a movie, are they athleisure?

Definition:  A style of clothing worn as athletic apparel but also suitable casually.

Sentence:  She loved the pants because of their athleisure quality - good for the gum and quick coffee date afterwards.

Today's Video of the Day is:  My dog barry

Bye bye fur now.

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