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Wednesday, 28 March 2018

28/Mar/18 hey, the world is upside down

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I really love my human.  So much so, that I will try to play with her.  Now, dogs play a little differently than humans.  We will nip and bite each other.  When I nip and bite, they put the training collar on me.  Although they only use it for the "tone" and not the "zap".  The tone is enough to get my attention.  Normally I'm good once I hear the tone.

Last night, Tonya and the Big Guy had this new kind of squash that they never had before.  The Big Guy was kinda excited.  He said that the new squash reminded him of potatoes.  I think the one that they had is called an acorn squash.  Either way, the Big Guy really liked it.

While they were eating supper, I was watching TV.

I don't think that a lot of people think that I see TV all that well.  But with the high definition TV sets that are out there, I can watch TV pretty well.

They had to replace their microwave that they have in the kitchen.  The other one, suddenly stopped heating stuff up.  Because they live in a throw away society, since it was broken, they just threw it away.  The old one will be going out for big garbage.  Either that, or the Big Guy will be doing a "dump run" some day.  Tonya kept the turn table dish from the old microwave.  Not that they get broken often, but break it once and you no longer have a turntable.  So now they have a spare.

I was talking with the Big Guy and they are going to have some company next weekend.  I've never met Laura before.  But she will be visiting Cape Breton with her boyfriend.  I can't wait to meet her!

OK, so it's time for the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Misogamy (noun)

My sentence:  I often get misogamy.  That's when my humans go missing, as the go without me.

Definition:  The hatred of marriage.

Sentence:  After many years of marriage the couple grew apart and suffered from misogamy.

Today's Video of the Day, is one of mine:  
Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having fun doing slow mo

Bye bye fur now.

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