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Thursday, 15 March 2018

15/Mar/18 did you want to play tug with me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I'm getting pretty excited.  I'm coming up on 30,000 views.  Will it happen by the weekend?  I wonder if the Big Guy will do anything special for me when I get that many views.  Honestly, it really couldn't happen without you, my constant readers!

There was a lot of hype around the storm that hit Eastern US and the mainland of the Maritimes.  But not so much around North Sydney.  Now in Chetticamp, which is the other side of Cape Breton Island, well, they ALWAYS get strong winds to start with.  But yesterday, supposedly, the winds were over 150 kph.  That kind of wind will take the shingles right off most homes.

Well there was a piece of siding that same off someone's house and was in our neighbor's yard.  The Big Guy walked around my house to make sure it wasn't from his roof.

He's got a new steel roof, so he was pretty sure it wasn't his.  Or the neighbor across the street as it was the same guys that installed his roof here.  

But it was one of the neighbors, that is just next to us.  It is a piece of the eve, right above their front door.  It didn't look too badly bent, so the Big Guy thinks it shouldn't take much to put it back in place.

As I am looking outside, I can see that it's raining.  Rain ALWAYS makes the Big Guy happy.  It makes the lawn grow.  The trees are green.  It fills up the lakes and streams.  Not like he goes fishing.  He says that the standing would make his knee really sore.  I'm pretty sure I would rather he doesn't go fishing as he would have to go without ME!  Can't have that.

Today's Word of the Day is: Furuncle (noun)
[fyoo r-uhng-kuh l]

My sentence:  My furuncle is my furry-daddy's brother.

Definition:  A boil.

Sentence:  The furuncle was unsightly as would need to be removed from his neck.

Video of the Day:  Bernese Mountain dog and a Stick

Bye bye fur now.

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