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Friday, 30 March 2018

30/Mar/18 Good Friday means no garbage pick up today

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It looks like I got my liquor ID.  But this is something that Tonya got for me.  It's a card for her that she can put in her wallet and a dog tag for my collar.  If I get lost, and my collar is attached, people will know where I live.

I'm looking out the window to see what's different about this Friday.

It's Good Friday, which means there is no garbage pick up today.  So when I go for my walk today, I will not have anything to sniff.  

Well, that's not exactly true.  I guess I will have the trees, the grass, the coffee cups that people throw away and other garbage that is blowing around.

The Big Guy checked the CBRM curbside collection site and they are giving it a miss this week.  That means that he will have double the garbage for next week and then have to wait another two weeks for Blue Bag collections.

Yesterday, when the Big Guy was out walking me, by the time we got home, he felt like he had a blister under his foot.  So it may only be a short walk today.  I will take what I can get.

Yesterday, the Big Guy had BBQed steak.  There was bones left over, but he didn't give them to me.  Like... why not?  He says that my jaws are really powerful and that I would shatter the bone.  Then those shards would be able to do some damage to my stomach and what not.  BUT I outsmarted him.  I watched Tonya eat her steak.  She gave me some.

Then... that's when I heard Tonya say that my birthday is coming up.  That I deserved a cooked steak.  Well I can't argue with that logic.

So on to Today's Word of the Day:  Merrythought (noun)

My sentence:  When you are at a job you don't like, merrythought isn't something that you do often.

Definition:  A bird's wishbone.

Sentence:  All that was left of the turkey was a drumstick and a merrythought.

Today's Video of the Day is another one of mine:  
Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his Milk Crate of Toys

Bye bye fur now.

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