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Friday, 2 March 2018

2/Mar/18 Grandma what a big mouth you have

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy caught me yawning.

He's quite the funny guy.  Embarrassing me like that.  Humans yawn too.  They tend to put their hand in front of their face when they yawn.

Do you know what day of the week it is?  It's FRIDAY!  Friday means it's GARBAGE DAY here!  


It's going to be super sniffer day today!

Yesterday when we went for our walk, the Big Guy wanted to drop into Home Hardware to get these new type of mouse traps.  They have a tube and an elastic band.  He says that he is going to get those little effers.  The normal snap trap can't fit and activate properly under some stuff where the mice are.  But this tube thingy, well, it doesn't snap over like those regular snap traps.  Also, they have to put those traps where I will not get to them and potentially set them off.  

This also means they can't use poison to bait the mice.  I could get into the poison and then I would be visiting the Vet again.  Or worst.

BUT, while I was waiting with Tonya outside and the Big Guy was inside Home Hardware, I was getting restless to see where he was at.  So I was looking for him though the glass door.

The staff inside Home Hardware demanded that I be brought inside so that I could meet all the staff there.  They even had some treats for me.

Did you see the moon last night?  

It's a full moon.  The glow on the horizon is from Marine Atlantic.  Even though it's below freezing outside, there is a thick blanket of fog.  This is creating a layer of ice on everything.  So I'm not sure, but perhaps the Big Guy and Tonya will be wearing their ice crampons when they take me out walking today.

So, on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Haptics (noun)

My sentence:  Did you know that smiling for humans is like a facial tick?  When they see someone they like, they get haptiks.

Definition:  The branch of psychology that investigates sensory data and sensation derived from the sense of touch and localized on the skin.

Sentence:  The computer used haptick technology to recreate the sense of touch for its users.

Video of the Day:  Cute bernese mountain dog and puppy

Bye bye fur now.

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