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Thursday, 29 March 2018

29/Mar/18 tired after my walk

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I didn't go for my walk yesterday morning as it was freezing rain.  Although to be fair, it was more rain that it was freezing.  Still, I had to wait till last night before I went for my walk.  But I was really tired when I got home.  So I laid down to rest and have a nap.  

Although it wasn't much of a nap.

No sooner would I close my eyes, than I would hear the Big Guy trying to creep past me to go get his camera. 



Of course, he takes a picture that REALLY wakes me up.

I hope that the weather can be good for tomorrow morning.  It's garbage day.  I wouldn't want to miss that.

The Big Guy made this new dish.  He isn't sure if it has a name.  It pork roast cut into bite sized pieces.  Then he added creme of mushroom soup.  Then he oven roasted butternut squash and carrots.  He added that to the other stuff and mixed it around.  He thinks it tastes pretty good.  Of course he will NOT share any of it with me.

I will have to wait for Tonya to get up and get herself a bowl.  Then bug the bejesus out of her, until she just finally gives me what's in her bowl.  She always gives me stuff when I sit, stare and drool at her.  That doesn't work at all with the Big Guy.  He just smiles at me and keeps on eating what ever it is he is eating.  No pity for me at all.

Today's Word of the Day is:  Peterman (noun)

My sentence:  Norm Peterman was a character on the TV Show "Cheers".

Definition:  A person who breaks open and robs safes.

Sentence:  The peterman was caught robbing his third bank vault.

Today's Video of the Day is:  Bernese Mountain dog and Saint Bernard

Bye bye fur now.

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