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Tuesday, 13 March 2018

13/Mar/18 sleeping by the door is cool on my fur

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I can see that I am creeping up on 30,000 views to my blog.  That is amazing.  But really couldn't have been done without you, my loyal readers.  Thank you so much for following my Daily Blog.

Well, we are about to get a snow storm.  The Big Guy is hoping it will be the last one of the year.

I was watching the Big Guy put all these vegetables on the kitchen counter.  He said that he is going to be making a pork stir fry.  The other day, Tonya bought two pork loin roasts.  So he is going to be cutting them up.  One into smaller bite sized pieces for the stir fry and the other, he will cut into chops so that he can cook them on the BBQ or in the oven.  He isn't sure what he's going to do just yet.  He gets these plans in his head and doesn't know which direction to go into.

Me...  well I'm a simple guy.  Just put some kibble and fresh water out and I'm kinda happy.

Well, a bit happy.

When ever Tonya is eating, I am just dying to know what it tastes like.

So I will sit and stare at her.  

If she sits in the living room watching TV, I will rest my mussel on her chest, staring at her as she is eating.  She doesn't like that much.  But it works EVERY time.  She will give me some of what she is eating so that I "go away".



But she is trying to learn a new trick.  She will shoo me away and put some of what she is eating in my food bowl.  Making me wait.  But I've got another trick.  

It's called drool.

Yup.  Stare and drool.  That's her kryptonite.

But this pork stir fry is going to have onions in it.  So I will not be allowed to have any as they are bad for dogs.

So, onto the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Chilaid (noun)

My sentence:  The young boy was really hot, so he was drinking some cold gatoraid.  In the summer, cold Gatoraid is a chilaid to cool your body temperature.

Definition:  A thousand things or a thousand years.

Sentence:  If felt like they hadn't seen each other in a chilaid.

Today's Video of the Day is another one of mine:  Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and Tonya hiding in the BBQ box

Bye bye fur now.

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