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Sunday, 25 March 2018

25/Mar/18 waiting for my human to come home

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I'm not sure why my humans have to go away so long.  Time passes differently for me.  Yes, I take naps and I sleep.  But when my humans are away from the house, I am so lonely.  So I will sit and stare out the window to see when the car comes home.

Then I jump up on them to show them how excited I am to see them again.  Even when they go outside to check the mail, it seems like an eternity for me.

So the Big Guy got a new pair of shoes.  He said that they fit pretty good and don't feel like they are going to fall off his feet.  Also, because they are new, they got pretty good traction in the snow.  His new shoes are "walking" shoes.  This is good, cause I need to go for walks.  These shoes were more expensive than what he would normally buy.  So he is going to see if they last longer than a year.  So far, with his Wal-Mart sneakers, he doesn't get more than 6 month out of a pair of sneakers.

I heard Tonya saying that she wants to go to the Flea Market in Sydney today.  Not sure why she wants to buy some fleas.  I thought she kept me on "the program" from the Vet, to keep fleas off of me.  Perhaps she wants to know if the medicine is working?

Were still going to get a wee bit of snow today.  But it's the wind.  The wind makes it seem like it's a lot colder outside than it really is.

So the Big Guy did his first reading video.  He wants to upload more before he goes public with the videos.  But if you wanted to see his new channel before he really gets a lot of new content, click >>HERE<<

I'm sure he would like to know if he's doing this good, bad, or you really don't care.  (I guess if you don't comment, you don't care)

On to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Mudlark (noun)

My sentence:  A crow that hang out in the marsh is a Mudlark.

Definition:  A person who scavenges in riverside mud at low tide for anything of value.

Sentence:  The mudlark often scavenged the beach to see what the tourists might have left behind.

Today's Video of the Day:  Bernese Mountain Dog and baby Sulcata Tortoise

Bye bye fur now.

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