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Friday, 16 March 2018

16/Mar/18 for the love of GOD, go back to sleep

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Did you know that the Big Guy actually woke me up so that he could take my picture?  GAWD now annoying is that?  

But I wag my tail.  Stretch.  Yawn.  Then go get a pat while he is making his coffee.

I'm not allowed to have coffee.  I get to drink from puddles that are outside.  Ahhh yes, fresh rain water.  Either that, or melted snow.  Tonya gets upset when she sees me do that.  She says that I have to drink water from my dog bowl.

Do you know what today is?  Beside being the 16th of March?

It's Friday.


I can't wait to go for my walk this morning.  I will be running from garbage bag to garbage bag.  Now it's also blue bag week.  That's the recycle stuff.  That stuff doesn't smell too much.  So I don't waste my time with the blue bags.  I want the other bags.  There's the smelly stuff.  Oh yea!

Last night, the Big Guy made me some Home Made Dog Biscuits.  Then, not to be outdone, he made a glaze for the biscuits.  Although I do think that he should really have waited till the biscuits were cold.  So the glaze actually sucked into the biscuits.  But I really don't care.  They were like the best.

Tonya couldn't believe how good they smelled.

Do you know what she did?

She tasted one of my biscuits.  She said that it tasted so YUMMY!

She told the Big Guy that they tasted good.  He confirmed that there is nothing in them that she couldn't have.  WELL!  She had another one!  


The Big Guy has included a link to me having a biscuit.  So it's going to be the video of the day.

For now, lets get onto the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Scaramouch (noun)
[skar-uh-mouch,  -moosh]

My sentence:  When you hide from your kids and pop out screaming at them, they may think this is too much scaring.  So you have been scaramouch too often.

Definition: A boastful but cowardly person.

Sentence:  He was a complete scaramouch, full of big ides but unwilling to get involved.

Today's Video of the Day:  Max our Bernese Mountain Dog approves of Home Made Dog Biscuits

Bye bye fur now.

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