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Wednesday, 14 March 2018

14/Mar/18 just laying with my human

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

She stopped scratching me.  I wanted to remind her, keep scratching me.  Some people would say this is cute.  But then I would forget myself and get nippy.  That got the training collar put on me.  I didn't get zapped, only reminded not to nip.  There is a sound that is emitted by the collar to remind me to be good.

It's Tonya's day off today.  So I will be able to bug her all day long.  When it's the Big Guy's day off, he mostly ignores me.  He can be sorta boring.  He either wants to play his video game, or watch TV.  

I will sometimes watch TV.  But the Big Guy will get concerned when there is an animal on the TV and run up for a closer look.  

I think he's afraid that I'm going to knock the TV over.

It's raining out right now.  Not much of a winter storm left for us.  Although there is a LOT of wind.  I can hear it howling against the windows of the house.  They had forecasted for as much as 20 to 30 cm of snow.  Then the forecast changed.  We may have got about 4 to 5 cm of snow.  The temp is going to be going up to +4 today.  So the Big Guy is pretty sure he doesn't have a lot of snow to shovel.  Just off the steps and that's it.

I was sorta wet when I came in from outside.  I wanted to be patted, but the Big Guy refused to pat he.  He held his arms up to his sides and told me to go away until I am dry.  But that could be several hours.  I am really soaked to the skin.  I did my best to shake it off, but only so much water comes off my fur when I shake.

Well I'm pretty sure that the Big Guy will NOT be taking me for my walk this morning.  I will have to wait for him to get home from work before we go.  Nothing is plowed.  I can hear the plows on the street as they do make a significant amount of noise.  Then when they back up, they also make the beep beep noise.

So it's onto the Word of the Day:  Corterminous (adjective)
[koh-tur-muh-nuh s]

My sentence:  If you were to name your pet chicken "Minion", and then later on, cook it like they do at Swiss Chalet, you would be having corterminous with fries.

Definition:  Having the same border or covering the same area.

Sentence:  The countries' coterminous geography led to may battles for territory.

Today's Video of the Day:  Bernese Mountain Dog Puppy vs Lemon. The Most Adorable Puppy!!!

Bye bye fur now.

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