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Saturday, 31 March 2018

31/Mar/18 I used to be small once

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Do you see me in this picture?  I'm crawling out from under the car.  I was such a small puppy once upon a time.  I don't think I would fit any longer.

I'm surprised that the Big Guy didn't find me with his camera this morning, but instead, decided to show a picture from the past.

So now I can sleep in.

The Big Guy woke up extra early today.  His knee is really sore.  He has a lot of arthritis in his knee.  The Doctor has said that he should have his knee replaced.  But he has to loose weight before the Doctor will do the operation.  Geesh, by the time he looses enough weight, he may not need to get the operation done as his knee will not be punished as much from being overweight.

But until he looses the weight, he has to take arthritis pills.  The wet and damp weather doesn't help his knee at all.

Yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy decided to have coffee on the back deck.  So the Big Guy needed to move the BBQ from where it was located.  As he was moving it, the wheel came off the BBQ.  It was rusted that bad.

So today, he will have to get his fridge cart and flip the BBQ over the railing and put it on the ground.  Then he will wheel the old BBQ to the curb.  Where he hopes that someone will pick it up for the metal content and take it to be recycled.  At least that's what he hopes will happen.

Most times, they have what they call, Big Garbage Day, where people will put out all their trash to the curb.  Then the guys from the dump will drop by and pick up all the old stuff that people would not normally put out to the garbage.  Last year, they almost cancelled it.  Well that got a lot of people upset.  This year, Tonya and the Big Guy will have a little bit more than normal stuff to put out.  There is an old fan, a coffee maker, the microwave that no longer works and a few other things that are in the garage.

Well, it's time for the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Whilom (adjective)

My sentence:  I asked whilom take me for a walk today.

Definition:  Former.

Sentence:  The whilom friends hadn't seen each other in years.

Today's Video of the Day:  Bernese Mountain Dog First Time in Snow

Bye bye fur now.

Friday, 30 March 2018

30/Mar/18 Good Friday means no garbage pick up today

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It looks like I got my liquor ID.  But this is something that Tonya got for me.  It's a card for her that she can put in her wallet and a dog tag for my collar.  If I get lost, and my collar is attached, people will know where I live.

I'm looking out the window to see what's different about this Friday.

It's Good Friday, which means there is no garbage pick up today.  So when I go for my walk today, I will not have anything to sniff.  

Well, that's not exactly true.  I guess I will have the trees, the grass, the coffee cups that people throw away and other garbage that is blowing around.

The Big Guy checked the CBRM curbside collection site and they are giving it a miss this week.  That means that he will have double the garbage for next week and then have to wait another two weeks for Blue Bag collections.

Yesterday, when the Big Guy was out walking me, by the time we got home, he felt like he had a blister under his foot.  So it may only be a short walk today.  I will take what I can get.

Yesterday, the Big Guy had BBQed steak.  There was bones left over, but he didn't give them to me.  Like... why not?  He says that my jaws are really powerful and that I would shatter the bone.  Then those shards would be able to do some damage to my stomach and what not.  BUT I outsmarted him.  I watched Tonya eat her steak.  She gave me some.

Then... that's when I heard Tonya say that my birthday is coming up.  That I deserved a cooked steak.  Well I can't argue with that logic.

So on to Today's Word of the Day:  Merrythought (noun)

My sentence:  When you are at a job you don't like, merrythought isn't something that you do often.

Definition:  A bird's wishbone.

Sentence:  All that was left of the turkey was a drumstick and a merrythought.

Today's Video of the Day is another one of mine:  
Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his Milk Crate of Toys

Bye bye fur now.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

29/Mar/18 tired after my walk

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I didn't go for my walk yesterday morning as it was freezing rain.  Although to be fair, it was more rain that it was freezing.  Still, I had to wait till last night before I went for my walk.  But I was really tired when I got home.  So I laid down to rest and have a nap.  

Although it wasn't much of a nap.

No sooner would I close my eyes, than I would hear the Big Guy trying to creep past me to go get his camera. 



Of course, he takes a picture that REALLY wakes me up.

I hope that the weather can be good for tomorrow morning.  It's garbage day.  I wouldn't want to miss that.

The Big Guy made this new dish.  He isn't sure if it has a name.  It pork roast cut into bite sized pieces.  Then he added creme of mushroom soup.  Then he oven roasted butternut squash and carrots.  He added that to the other stuff and mixed it around.  He thinks it tastes pretty good.  Of course he will NOT share any of it with me.

I will have to wait for Tonya to get up and get herself a bowl.  Then bug the bejesus out of her, until she just finally gives me what's in her bowl.  She always gives me stuff when I sit, stare and drool at her.  That doesn't work at all with the Big Guy.  He just smiles at me and keeps on eating what ever it is he is eating.  No pity for me at all.

Today's Word of the Day is:  Peterman (noun)

My sentence:  Norm Peterman was a character on the TV Show "Cheers".

Definition:  A person who breaks open and robs safes.

Sentence:  The peterman was caught robbing his third bank vault.

Today's Video of the Day is:  Bernese Mountain dog and Saint Bernard

Bye bye fur now.

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

28/Mar/18 hey, the world is upside down

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I really love my human.  So much so, that I will try to play with her.  Now, dogs play a little differently than humans.  We will nip and bite each other.  When I nip and bite, they put the training collar on me.  Although they only use it for the "tone" and not the "zap".  The tone is enough to get my attention.  Normally I'm good once I hear the tone.

Last night, Tonya and the Big Guy had this new kind of squash that they never had before.  The Big Guy was kinda excited.  He said that the new squash reminded him of potatoes.  I think the one that they had is called an acorn squash.  Either way, the Big Guy really liked it.

While they were eating supper, I was watching TV.

I don't think that a lot of people think that I see TV all that well.  But with the high definition TV sets that are out there, I can watch TV pretty well.

They had to replace their microwave that they have in the kitchen.  The other one, suddenly stopped heating stuff up.  Because they live in a throw away society, since it was broken, they just threw it away.  The old one will be going out for big garbage.  Either that, or the Big Guy will be doing a "dump run" some day.  Tonya kept the turn table dish from the old microwave.  Not that they get broken often, but break it once and you no longer have a turntable.  So now they have a spare.

I was talking with the Big Guy and they are going to have some company next weekend.  I've never met Laura before.  But she will be visiting Cape Breton with her boyfriend.  I can't wait to meet her!

OK, so it's time for the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Misogamy (noun)

My sentence:  I often get misogamy.  That's when my humans go missing, as the go without me.

Definition:  The hatred of marriage.

Sentence:  After many years of marriage the couple grew apart and suffered from misogamy.

Today's Video of the Day, is one of mine:  
Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having fun doing slow mo

Bye bye fur now.

Tuesday, 27 March 2018

27/Mar/18 this is my giggle ball toy

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I really like this toy.  It's noisy.  I can carry it without too much trouble.  It's been out in the rain and it hasn't been damaged yet.

Only one problem with this toy.  I will often drop it and run after it, but it is small enough to go under the couch, love seat, or chair.  Then I will lay on the floor.  Looking at the giggle ball.  It's too far under the furniture for me to get.

I will try to put my head under the furniture.  Sometimes I will touch it with my mussel.  This only pushes it further away from me.

Then I will reach out with my paw.  I can JUST touch it.  But that moves it further away from me.

Well shit.

Now what do I do?

So I lay on the floor.  I will bark at it to show my displeasure at the ball for going to a place that I can't reach it.

Sometimes, and only some times, will Tonya get up and find a broom to see if she can't get the giggle ball from it's hiding place.  I get so excited that I forget the giggle ball and want to play with this new stick!

That makes Tonya yell at me.

Oh boy!  It's a new game!

She has the stick and I get to try and take it from her!

Do you know what it's like to grab this stick and run around the house with it?  It wacks off stuff.  One time, I was trying to get through the door frame with this stick.  Good thing it was made of metal.  I bent it in half as I was trying to get though.  Then it fit.  After that, it wasn't good for anything.

Who needs a broom handle that's bent in half?

I know.

I do!

I got to play with the bent broom handle on the deck.

That was until the Big Guy seen me.  He wasn't impressed.  He bent it into new shapes so that it could be hidden in a blue bag that went out to the garbage man.

Well shit.

That didn't go as planned and now my giggle ball is still under the furniture.

Today's Word of the Day is:  Coriaceous (adjective)

My sentence:  I am not coriaceous when I'm out walking.  If a smaller dog lunges at me, I will cower away.

Definition:  Or or like leather.

Sentence:  His face had grown old and coriaceous.

Today's Video of the Day:  My dog hates the mail man

Bye bye fur now.

Monday, 26 March 2018

26/Mar/18 me and my favorite human

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Thank you ever so much my faithful readers!  I've got over 30,000 view on my blog.

Tonya is my favorite past time.  But the Big Guy is a pretty nice guy too.

The Big Guy is tall, but I'm pretty tall too.

Yesterday I found a new toy.  It's called an empty coffee can.  I ran around the house with it and Tonya tried to get it off of me.  

By the time she got it away from me, I've pretty much chewed it apart.  I really didn't want to give up the coffee can.

Tonya and the Big Guy went shopping yesterday and didn't get me anything from the store.  Oh yea, they bought stuff for themselves though.  They got this new wooden stuff.  But I am not allowed to chew on any of it.  So that's no fun for me.

When the Big Guy was walking me yesterday, I certainly did see a lot of poop on the ground.  This is other dogs that are being walked and their owners and not picking up their poop.  Although I will never be mistaken for pooping like they do.  Their poop is so much smaller than my poops.  The Big Guy says that I poop as much as he does.  But then they also get to carry my poop home and put it in the plastic bin they have for my poop.

Every so often, they put my poop to the curb for the garbage man to take away.

So on with today's Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Commensalism (noun)
[kuh-men-suh-liz-uh m]

My sentence:  Everyone gets these great ideas.  They are going to start a new hobby and make money doing so.  But they eventually give up.  It's too bad that they loose the energy they had when they commensalism their new hobby.

Definition:  An association between two organisms in which one benefits from the relationship and the other derives neither harm nor benefit.

Sentence:  The barnacle on the whale lived happily in a state of obligate commensalism.

Today's Video of the Day is from the Big Guy new YouTube channel.  He is going to be reading the kids books that is in his attic.  These are stories that are for all children of all ages.  Today's Video is:  What Can We Play Today

Bye bye fur now.

Sunday, 25 March 2018

25/Mar/18 waiting for my human to come home

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I'm not sure why my humans have to go away so long.  Time passes differently for me.  Yes, I take naps and I sleep.  But when my humans are away from the house, I am so lonely.  So I will sit and stare out the window to see when the car comes home.

Then I jump up on them to show them how excited I am to see them again.  Even when they go outside to check the mail, it seems like an eternity for me.

So the Big Guy got a new pair of shoes.  He said that they fit pretty good and don't feel like they are going to fall off his feet.  Also, because they are new, they got pretty good traction in the snow.  His new shoes are "walking" shoes.  This is good, cause I need to go for walks.  These shoes were more expensive than what he would normally buy.  So he is going to see if they last longer than a year.  So far, with his Wal-Mart sneakers, he doesn't get more than 6 month out of a pair of sneakers.

I heard Tonya saying that she wants to go to the Flea Market in Sydney today.  Not sure why she wants to buy some fleas.  I thought she kept me on "the program" from the Vet, to keep fleas off of me.  Perhaps she wants to know if the medicine is working?

Were still going to get a wee bit of snow today.  But it's the wind.  The wind makes it seem like it's a lot colder outside than it really is.

So the Big Guy did his first reading video.  He wants to upload more before he goes public with the videos.  But if you wanted to see his new channel before he really gets a lot of new content, click >>HERE<<

I'm sure he would like to know if he's doing this good, bad, or you really don't care.  (I guess if you don't comment, you don't care)

On to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Mudlark (noun)

My sentence:  A crow that hang out in the marsh is a Mudlark.

Definition:  A person who scavenges in riverside mud at low tide for anything of value.

Sentence:  The mudlark often scavenged the beach to see what the tourists might have left behind.

Today's Video of the Day:  Bernese Mountain Dog and baby Sulcata Tortoise

Bye bye fur now.

Saturday, 24 March 2018

24/Mar/18 is that the wind rustling something in the yard

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Tonya keeps a blanket on the Wing Chair that I sit on.  Not that I shed a lot of fur on the furniture.  Cause I don't.  Most of my fur lands on the ground.

Last night, I got to have some spaghetti squash.  They had spaghetti.  I think that Tonya is worried that I will get the tomatoe sauce all over my White fur if she were to feed it to me.

Then I would have 4 colors.  Black, Brown, White and Red.

That could also mean another trip to the Doggie Day Spa.  Not a terrible place, but not the first place I would volunteer to go on my own.

We went for our walk last night.  The Big Guy had a blister on the back of his heel from his sneakers.  They are kinda loose as he has stretched them all out.  But he has also walked though the insoles again.  He has always purchased inexpensive sneakers at Wal-Mart.

But not last night.  They drove to Mark's Work Warehouse and got him a new pair of shoes.  They are more of a walking shoe.  So they are fitted to his foot.  Well he isn't used to wearing a shoe that fits snugly to his foot.  But the back of the shoe didn't rub against where the blister was from his sneaker.  

He told me that this was the most expensive pair of shoes he has ever purchased.  But he needs them if he is going to keep walking me.  Just like people that go hiking in the woods don't normally wear tennis shoes.  They purchase proper hiking boots.  Well he needs proper walking shoes.

I think that today, the Big Guy may be doing his first installment on his new video channel.  He is going to try his hand at reading children's books.  It may or may not work.  But he is going to try.

But lets move on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Skippable (adjective)
[skip-uh-buh l]

My sentence:  The Big Guy likes to watch TV shows that are put on the PVR, to him, all the commercials are skippable.

Definition:  Able to be skipped, omitted, or passed over without loss; unimportant.

Sentence:  That song is skippable.

Today's Video of the Day:  Bernese Mtn Dog Puppy Says Good Morning

Bye bye fur now.

Friday, 23 March 2018

23/Mar/18 how you doing

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Did I show you the big red ball that Tonya bought for me?

It is so much fun playing with it.  It has that built in handle so that it's a lot easier for me to pick up and walk around with it.

They did take a video and it will be my Video of the Day for today.

Today is also my non-furry Memere's Birthday.  She is a lot older than me.  In dog years, she is fantastically old.  She is 518 years old if she were a dog.  BUT she is a human, so she is a lot younger than that.

The Big Guy may not be walking me this morning.  The sidewalks are terrible.  The roads are not much better either.  There is a lot of slush out there.  By the time the Big Guy would get home, he would have two soaked feet.  With all the slush out there.  

Today is garbage day too.  So if I am NOT walked this morning, I will miss being able to sniff all those garbage bags.  BUT I have to protect my humans first.  So to be safe for them, we may need to postpone my walk till this evening.

The Big Guy is pretty happy to see that in the forecast, it's going to be +9 next week.

The hotter out it gets, the further we will go for walks.  So come on heat.

With all this snow and rain that has fallen, I will NOT be going to the dog park any day soon.  It will need to dry up before they take me there again.

Well, it's time for the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Orrery (noun)
[awr-uh-ree, or-]

My sentence:  In the old West, if I were mean, I would be orrery.

Definition:  A clockwork model of the solar system, or the sun, earth, and moon.

Sentence:  His orrery, which correctly plotted the movement of the solar system's planets and moons, rightly won the science fair competition.

Today's Video of the Day is one of mine:  Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his Big Red Ball

Bye bye fur now.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

22/Mar/18 am I not handsome

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I've been told that the over the shoulder look is something that ALL fashion models have to know.  I am a natural at this.  Oh yea!

So the snow that I was talking about yesterday.  Well we are not going to be getting it this time.  It is going to be mostly a rain event.

The Big Guy is super happy about it being more rain than snow.  

What does this mean for me?  Well I'm definitely going for my walk this morning.  They will NOT want to be walking me in the rain and slush, tonight after work.

Yesterday, when the Big Guy was walking me, he took notice that the roofing on his garage is coming off.  We had a big wind storm a few weeks ago and it ripped up some of the roofing.  He better get that fixed before it become a much bigger issue.

Right now, the Big Guy is boiling up some sausages on the stove.  He plans to make "egg roll in a bowl".  I can't have any of it as there is stuff in it that is not good for me.  Damn and I was planning on begging some of it from Tonya.

He should also be making some cole slaw.  That stuff looks really good too, but I can't have that either.  I guess they are only trying to keep care of me.

Well, it's time for the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Stoup (noun)

My sentence:  On the old brick buildings with those front cement and brick steps, people would often socialize and sit on the front stoop.

Definition: A container for drinking beer, etc: a flagon.

Sentence:  His stoup was overflowing with lager.

Today's Video of the Day is:  On Grass for the First Time - Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies

Bye bye fur now.

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

21/Mar/18 trying to watch TV

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Those are some pretty impressive paws that are facing the camera.  They get pretty good traction on the snow and ice.

Yesterday I wanted to play with the Big Guy as he was sitting on the couch.  Tonya was watching a program that he really was NOT interested in.  But she wanted him to be with her as she says she watches a lot of programs that he likes, that she doesn't.  Eventually she let him go play his XBox.  That made him happy.

It was the first time he has ever played a multiplayer game where he actually enjoyed himself.  This was hard for Tonya as she wanted his attention.  She was on Facebook, watching videos and the guys that the Big Guy was playing with, could hear the stuff she was watching.  She eventually got bored with it all and went to bed.

We were supposed to dodge this big snow storm that's coming up the East Coast of the US.  But I guess we're in for SOME snow.  At least 15 cm.  Plus 15 mm of rain.  That doesn't make the Big Guy all that happy.  He says it could be that wet heavy stuff.  He doesn't mind the snow so much if there is no rain mixed with it.  It's went they both get mixed in the same storm...  then that is NASTY.  So far, it looks like it will be snow mostly in the day, and then tomorrow afternoon, it will flip to rain.  So when he gets home tomorrow evening, he better get out with the snow blower as soon as possible to take care of the snow.

Either that, or the storm could shift again and it's mostly rain.

What does that mean for me?  It means NO WALK.  If it was a rain event, I would be walked.

Too bad it isn't all snow.  I LOVE the snow and could have so much fun in the snow.

Well, on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:  Deradicalize (verb)

My sentence:  Snow boarders will often say that they had a "rad" ride.  But when the snow melts on the ski hill, that deradicalize their fun.

Definition:  To free from radical ideas.

Sentence:  The conservative wing of the party was trying to deradicalize the liberals.

Today's Video of the Day:  Hotel welcomes Bernese mountain dogs

Bye bye fur now.