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Friday, 8 September 2017

8/Sep/17 I'm a bird, look at me eating the bread

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Last weekend, the Big Guy was BBQing hot dogs and hamburgers.  Well there was the buns that was left over.  So they threw the bread out to the birds.  Well they didn't eat the bread quick enough.  I WANTED THAT BREAD!

It sure is raining a lot.  But only in waves.  It will mist/fog for a few hours, then there will be a cloud burst.  HEAVY RAIN.  Last night, Tonya went to get the Big Guy at work.  She put me in the car, but before she could get in her side of the car, the sky opened up and she was soaked before she could get into the car.  But, by the time we got home, it was only gently raining.

It's garbage day today.  The Big Guy was putting stuff in the green bin, and you could see maggots all over the green bin.  You don't have maggots on your green bin in the winter.  But the Big Guy still needed to grab the handle and pull the green bin to the curb.  He was wiping his hands on his jacket when he was done.  He said that he felt like there was maggots crawling up his legs (there wasn't).

Now the city guys have got to do their part and grab that green bin.  I wonder how many other green bins are covered in maggots each week?

Yesterday was the first day of school.  The Big Guy always gets pissy when people park across his driveway.  He has to get Tonya to work and when people just park their car in his driveway and walk away, he has to wait for them to get back so that he can leave.  Doesn't his blood boil when they do that.

I bet these same people park in the fire lane at the grocery store.

The Big Guy has a name for them and it isn't very pleasant.  He calls them "fuckers".  

Am I allowed to say that word in this blog?  Oh well, it didn't kick me out, so I guess it's OK.  

So to all the fuckers out there, please stop parking in the Big Guy's driveway when your dropping off your kids for school! OK?  Yea, that would be nice.

Bye bye for now.

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