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Wednesday, 13 September 2017

13/Sep/17 I look up to you

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy read that some one said that Dogs can't look up.  So what I am doing?  He wishes that he could find that article again and see what it said.

Tonya asked the Big Guy to turn the heat up in the house this morning.  Not that it was frightfully cold, but it was damp in the house.  Since the Big Guy doesn't really like being cold, he didn't mind turning up the heat a bit.

We went for our walk last night.  Yesterday morning it was raining out.  So no walk.  But it was still raining a bit last night when we went for our walk.

When we got home, I only wanted to be with Tonya.  She wanted to be left alone.  So that made me want to be with her MORE.  She wanted that even less.  She tried to cuddle with the Big Guy, but he had his knee up on a pillow.  So that didn't work for her.  Then I would loose my bones under the chair, or the couch.  She would get upset as she would have to get them for me.  If I could use a stick, I would get my own bones.  Perhaps the BIG bone should be taken off the deck so that I could have it as my indoor bone again.  I've had that since I've been a puppy.  If she went to Bonnars and bought me a bag of bones, I would leave her alone.  $10.00 gets you a lot of piece of mind.

Tonya made some chilli for supper.  I didn't get to have any.  I never get chilli.  I wonder what it tastes like?  I guess I will never know.  She makes it in this big cast iron pot.

I got kibble again for supper.

Bye bye for now.

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