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Wednesday, 6 September 2017

6/Sep/17 my grandma, what a big nose you have

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

We only went for a short walk yesterday.  The Big Guy says that his knee is sore again.  Also, he got this blister on his big toe that just keeps coming back again and again.  

Tonya was looking for some salt and vinegar chips.  But she resisted.  The Big Guy hasn't had chips in a long time.  He said that he really misses chips.  But this past weekend, he ate and drank a lot and he gained some weight back.  He says that he's going to have to try harder to loose that weight.

The Big Guy was also out mowing the lawn last night.  He didn't take out the whipper snipper to finish the job.  He said that it's going to be Fall before too long.  That means that it's going to be colder and then soon after that, SNOW!  This means that the Big Guy will be removing the lawn mower deck and putting the snow blower on his tractor.  That normally takes him about an hour to do.

Hurricane Irma is now a Category 5 storm.  I'm pretty sure my house would do OK in a storm like that.  But some of the stuff around the yard might not do so well.  Like trees.  Pretty sure that the Big Guy would have to remove the roof off the gazebo and stuff like that.  Otherwise, they could fly off.  They are also forecasting for 18 inches of rain with that storm.  That is a lot of rain.

But thankfully it isn't a blizzard.  That wouldn't be 18 inches of rain.  No, that would be 180 inches of snow.  That would be like having 15 FEET of snow fall in one snow storm.  That would be TERRIBLE!  We wouldn't get outside the house for me to poop.

Well, lets hope that doesn't happen here.

Bye bye for now.

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