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Monday, 25 September 2017

25/Sep/17 Beam me up Scotty

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Well if your not a fan, I can understand how you feel.  But the Big Guy is quite excited.  There is a new Star Trek TV series that started.  He's got about 3 hours of TV to watch this morning.  He just loves that stuff.

So yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy went for a drive in the new car.  WITHOUT ME!  If I would have been with them, I would have added to the "cuteness" of the car.

That's OK, I was just as happy to see them get home anyways.

The Big Guy took me for a walk yesterday while Tonya stayed home to clean the house.  She said that the house wasn't all that dirty, it was mostly my fur that was gathered up.

While we were out walking, I was attacked by two different dogs.  One was tied on, the other, well, not tired on, and I have to wonder if the owner may be trying to get rid of that dog.  I was scared.  Neither dog wanted to go after the Big Guy.  Only me.  What did I do?

I wonder if next time, the Big Guy can walk me a different route.

Only a few more weeks and my non-furry Memere is going to be visiting.  She is so nice.  The Big Guy will have my collar on me all the time to train me not to jump.  But I get so excited.  Sometimes I forget myself.

Well, the Big Guy is really bugging to go watch that new Star Trek series.  I best go watch it with him to shut him up.

Bye bye for now.

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