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Friday, 22 September 2017

22/Sep/17 first day of Fall

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So it's the first day of Fall.  At least the first FULL day of Fall for us in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet Earth.  In the Southern Hemisphere, it's their first day of Spring.  The Big Guy has a friend that lives in Australia and he was saying it was cold here.  But I don't recall seeing any snow in his videos.  So it can't be THAT cold out.

Yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy did a road trip to Halifax and didn't even take me along for the drive.  What did I go wrong?  I like to go on drives.  But I will have a bigger car to sit in now.  The car is black, just like me.  I even get two sun roofs in the back seat.  Then, there is even a third set of back seats.  And, another sun roof.

Alls I know, they were gone for a VERY long time.  My non-furry brother, Terry, he come by and let me out for a poop and a pee.  Then I had to go back in the house again.  It was really late when Tonya and the Big Guy got home.  But they still took me for a walk.  They said that I needed to go for a walk to burn off some energy.

It's garbage day today.  So during last night's walk, I got to run and sniff alot of garbage bags.  The Big Guy wasn't too happy as I was pulling hard to get to the next garbage bag.

I hope they don't leave me a lone like that again.  I was lonely while they were gone. I didn't have much to entertain me in the house when it was dark.  But I didn't chew or break anything while they were gone.  I was a good boy.

Bye bye for now.

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