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Sunday, 10 September 2017

10/Sep/17 pat me or I will ignore you

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy did end up taking the roofs off the two gazebos that he has on the back deck.  After he was done that, he ended up taking me for a walk.

Normally, after the Big Guy would have done some yard work, he would have done nothing else for the rest of the day.  So with him loosing weight, he is being more active.  

I'm not sure why, but after I had my poop, while we were walking, he collected it in a bag and then took it home with us.  I wonder what is so special about my poop that they keep taking it home with them?  I've seen other doggie poo on the ground when were out walking.  I wonder if they should collect that poo as well.  Doesn't their owners think that their poo is worth collecting?

We had a power outage for about 3 hours last night.  The Big Guy was trying to see why the power was out, but couldn't find anything on the Nova Scotia Power site.  But there certainly are a lot of other people out there without power this morning.

It's supposed to rain today.  I don't like it much when it rains.  That means we stay inside.  I like sunny weather when we go sit outside.

There is a lot of people that are in Florida and they are all thinking that they are going to just hunker down and wait for Hurricane Irma to pass.  Which is fine.  But afterwards.  They will NOT have electricity.  They will NOT have running water.  They will NOT have sewage.  They will NOT have a grocery store to go shopping.  Life is going to be miserable for them for a bit.

Bye bye for now.

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