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Saturday, 30 September 2017

30/Sep/17 no pictures when I'm yawning

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

That weirdo took my picture when I was yawning.  Why doesn't he just take 30 pictures at the beginning of the month and be done with it?  Geesh he's a pest.

We went for a medium walk yesterday.  The Big Guy was complaining about his gout acting up.  He was in a little bit of pain while we were walking.

I understand that the Big Guy has a few chores to get done today.  I wonder if he needs any help to get them done?  Right now, it's raining out, so I can't see his trying to fit the snow tires on his car.  He wouldn't keep them on the car, he only wants to know that they will fit.

Tonya wants him to mow the lawn.  Which he is willing to do.  But right now, again, it's raining out, so he may wait till tomorrow.

Yesterday I REALLY wanted to bite on the leash.  But the Big Guy was using the chain leash.  You do NOT want to bite on the chain leash.  It tastes yucky.

Some of the leaves are falling off the trees.  They didn't turn color yet.  They are just falling off the tree.  Like the big tree that's in the back yard.  They use it as a clothes line post.  There are branches growing out of the "stump", but the leaves are falling off the branches.  I wonder if the tree is dying?  Eventually, if it is, that stump will have to come down.  But that stump is about 25 feet high.  I don't know how big around it is.  But more than what the Big Guy's little chain saw could take care of.

This week, the weather is supposed to get colder.  I don't mind that too much.  I got my fur coat to keep me warm.

Bye bye for now.

Friday, 29 September 2017

29/Sep/17 yes I'm cleaning myself, AGAIN

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So the Big Guy was putting the garbage outside to the curb.  I really wanted to help him do that.  But he kept me inside the house.  Although to be fair, he did offer to put me on the deck first.  I refused to out side.  

Did you see how much the temperature has dropped?  Yesterday it was +20 and thundering.  Today, it's +10 and clear skies.  The Big Guy was looking up at the stars when he was dumping the stuff into the green bin.

I understand that the Big Guy is planning to mow the lawn tomorrow.  That could be the last day he mows the lawn this year.  Soon enough, he will have to swap the lawn mower parts for the snow blower parts.  He says that he doesn't mind that too much.  The first time he did this, he was pretty confused as to where the belts went.  But he's getting a lot better at it.

Tonya got to drive the new car in the pouring rain.  She said that it was exciting and scary at the same time.  She did say that the new car drove GREAT in the down pouring rain.  This new car has rain sensing wipers.  So you set them to automatic and when the windshield detects water on the windshield, it turns the wipers on.  It will also make them go faster on their own.  The Big Guy thinks this is GREAT.  Guess we will find out how great it is this winter when snow is on the windshield.  He may need to turn the system off when he stops the car.  The Big Guy was telling me, he can remember when you had two selections for the windshield wipers.  They were either on, or they were off.  No fast speed.  No intermittent wipers either.  Just 2 settings, on, or off, that was it.

A week from today and I will be getting visitors.  My non-furry Memere, my non-furry uncle and his wife.  They are really nice.  They don't mind it too much when I play a little rough.  But I'm still scary to my non-furry Memere.  I'm pretty sure that the Big Guy is going to put the training collar on me and I'm going to be trained a bit not to scare her.

Bye bye for now.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

28/Sep/17 little help, get that bone for me

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I was being me and I was getting into stuff.  Tonya has this cushion thing on her computer chair.  Well I wanted to play with that.  That was taken away from me.  I found her vest draped over the chair, so I played with that.  That was taken away from me.  I found a pair of older sneakers that belongs to the the Big Guy.  I wanted to play with them.  That was taken away from me.  I seen that there was some bones that were just out of my reach, under the chair where Tonya sits.  I was vocalizing that I NNNNEEEEEDDDDDED (needed) to play with them, but I would loose them back under the chair.  That would mean that Tonya had to get up, move the chair, I would get the bone.  Play with it, it would FLY out of my mouth and go to a spot under the chair where I couldn't get to it.  I would try to get her attention.  She wasn't pleased and would move the chair for me to get the bone.  I don't loose the bones I want to play with under the chair where the Big Guy sits.  I'm pretty sure that they would just sit there, forever out of reach.

We went for a walk yesterday morning and got home just in time.  Tonya went upstairs for a shower so she could go to work and it was raining really hard by the time she came downstairs again.  Then again, the Big Guy did wear his rain coat, so he would have been OK.  Tonya would have got wet.  I would have got wet too.  I can't wait for the snow.  When that falls on you, you don't get wet.

Although I'm pretty sure that the Big Guy wouldn't be upset if he never seen snow again in his lifetime.

Today, we are supposed to get what's left of Hurricane Maria.  So very likely, bands of heavy rain.

Tonya said that she has a VERY busy day today.  She has to drive her sister around to get stuff.  She also has a dental appointment.  Then another appointment for her nails.  Then she has to drive to Sydney to get a head strap for the Big Guy's CFPAF machine.  She also wants to clean this house.  So she is going to be busy.  Good thing she made chili.  So supper is already done.  I don't get to have any chili though.  Nope, just water and kibble.  Always with the water and kibble.

Bye bye for now.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

27/Sep/17 It's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's Super Max

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

The Big Guy certainly does take a lot of photos of me.  Always with the flash too.  Then I see spots on my eyes for a bit.

Yesterday morning we went for a longer walk than what we've been going for the last little bit.  Down to Commercial St, over to King and back home again.  The Big Guy likes taking me in the morning as there is less people for him to worry about.  I've been known to jump on people when I meet them.  I'm being pretty good lately though.  No jumping.

Oh and that chain leash.  I refuse to bite that.  I used to jump and get all excited when we were first start our walks.  I tried to bite on the chain leash once.  That was enough for me.

So Big Brother is no longer on TV.  But now the Big Guy can watch Survivor.  That's on tonight.  That will go till XMas.  Oh and then there is also the new Star Trek series.  Tonya still watches her Young and Restless.  The Big Guy will watch that with her.  But Corrination St, he doesn't really enjoy that series.  So when Tonya watches that series, he plays his video game.

We are expecting some rain tomorrow.  The Big Guy said that's something like a free car wash.  Although I can bet he's going to wax it again this weekend.  He puts this Turtle Wax Ice on his car.  It isn't like the old wax where you could only apply it in the shade and would have to apply it, let it dry and then buff it off.  This stuff, you spray on and buff it on the car.

Yesterday, when Tonya drove me to pick up the Big Guy, she had the passenger side window open for me.  Well I drooled all down the side of the Big Guy's new car.  When he got in the driver seat, he closed the window on me.

Bye bye for now.

Tuesday, 26 September 2017

26/Sep/17 resting up... for now...

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Right now, I'm calm and relaxed.

Just wait till Tonya comes down stairs.  I will turn into this jumpy, bitie beast!  MUAHAHAHAHA

I don't behave like that too much around the Big Guy.  He doesn't like it and he shows me that too.  But he does talk in a more relaxed voice and I take my cue from that.  When Tonya talks to me in the morning, she is grumpy and yells a lot.  That makes me excited and winds me up.

Calm and relaxed, vs yelling and excited!

There was a fox outside the window.  I was barking to let the fox know that I live here.  Well the Big Guy put a stop to that.  He grabbed me and started patting me, talking to me in a calm voice.  I really wanted to see that fox again, but he was so calm.  Eventually I forgot about the fox.  When I looked outside, the fox was gone and I couldn't remember why I was barking.  So I stopped barking.

The Big Guy watched is new Star Trek program.  He really liked it.  Then again, he really likes Star Trek.  There was a lot of fighting in the new program.  There are people that are called Klingons.  They are scary looking.  I almost barked at the TV when I seen them.  But the Big Guy talked to me, so I went over and sat beside him, incase he needed protection from them.  (Psst, don't tell him, but I was actually scared of them and needed him to protect me)

Yesterday morning, Tonya wanted to go for a walk.  The Big Guy will nap in the early morning.  He has his coffee, watches some TV and then lays down for a nap.  Well Tonya wanted to go for a walk.  So she got me to wake him up.  I gave him a muzzle bump to the face.  I can't say that he was too happy about that.  After I hit him in the face with my muzzle, I tried to jump up on him.  Well that got him up and moving.

The Big Guy says that his sneakers smell a lot.  He tried spraying this stuff in them, called Febreeze.  Now they stink and smell nice at the same time.  I think he should wear socks in his sneakers.  Either that or get new insoles called "Odor Eaters".

Bye bye for now.

Monday, 25 September 2017

25/Sep/17 Beam me up Scotty

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Well if your not a fan, I can understand how you feel.  But the Big Guy is quite excited.  There is a new Star Trek TV series that started.  He's got about 3 hours of TV to watch this morning.  He just loves that stuff.

So yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy went for a drive in the new car.  WITHOUT ME!  If I would have been with them, I would have added to the "cuteness" of the car.

That's OK, I was just as happy to see them get home anyways.

The Big Guy took me for a walk yesterday while Tonya stayed home to clean the house.  She said that the house wasn't all that dirty, it was mostly my fur that was gathered up.

While we were out walking, I was attacked by two different dogs.  One was tied on, the other, well, not tired on, and I have to wonder if the owner may be trying to get rid of that dog.  I was scared.  Neither dog wanted to go after the Big Guy.  Only me.  What did I do?

I wonder if next time, the Big Guy can walk me a different route.

Only a few more weeks and my non-furry Memere is going to be visiting.  She is so nice.  The Big Guy will have my collar on me all the time to train me not to jump.  But I get so excited.  Sometimes I forget myself.

Well, the Big Guy is really bugging to go watch that new Star Trek series.  I best go watch it with him to shut him up.

Bye bye for now.

Sunday, 24 September 2017

24/Sep/17 this is MY bone, not yours

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So yesterday, the Big Guy was paying so much attention to his new car.  I was upset and I barked a lot at him to pay attention to ME!  Well that didn't work so good.  He just kept playing with his new car.  He waxed the car.  He rubbed the car.  Then he purchased this can of tire shine.  Then he went back to the store and got a bottle of touch up paint.  I'm surprised that he hasn't purchased a small broom and dust pan to make sure that the dirt and rocks are swept away each time he gets into the car.

Yesterday, he went for coffee.  Something that he normally never does.  But the worst part, he went without ME.

I think he loves his car more than he loves me.

Yesterday, Tonya went into Shoppers Drugmart and the Big Guy opened the side windows for me to look outside.  Well I drooled over his side door.  I can see those windows staying up from now on.

Today is Sunday, now I know in the past, I have gone to the doggie park on Sundays.  Not sure if they are going to take me to the dog park or not today.

I know that we brought the car to Tonya yesterday and then walked home.  The Big Guy was upset with me.  I was biting on the leash.  He didn't put the chain leash on me.  So it was bite time.

He wasn't impressed.

Bye bye for now.

Saturday, 23 September 2017

23/Sep/17 I got a ride in the new car

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

You can bet it will not be too long before I dirty up the windows on the Big Guy's new car.  I'm pretty sure he isn't going to like that a whole bunch.  But he's going to have to live with it.  But as you can see, he put up the cage to separate me from the front seats.

I do find that I have a lot of room in this new car.  I guess I should be happy that they don't have me in the very back of the car, in the hatch part and put up the cage to keep me in that very back part.  It does fold flat.

But then I would have to jump up to get in the car.  No, I think I like the middle seats better for now.

The Big Guy was saying how there are bugs across the front of his new car.  So you KNOW he has to go clean that up.  He got $3.00 for the wash bay.

Oh so guess what, he's going to leave me here for a bit while he goes to wash the car.  I guess I should have kept my mouth shut!

Bye bye for now.

Friday, 22 September 2017

22/Sep/17 first day of Fall

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So it's the first day of Fall.  At least the first FULL day of Fall for us in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet Earth.  In the Southern Hemisphere, it's their first day of Spring.  The Big Guy has a friend that lives in Australia and he was saying it was cold here.  But I don't recall seeing any snow in his videos.  So it can't be THAT cold out.

Yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy did a road trip to Halifax and didn't even take me along for the drive.  What did I go wrong?  I like to go on drives.  But I will have a bigger car to sit in now.  The car is black, just like me.  I even get two sun roofs in the back seat.  Then, there is even a third set of back seats.  And, another sun roof.

Alls I know, they were gone for a VERY long time.  My non-furry brother, Terry, he come by and let me out for a poop and a pee.  Then I had to go back in the house again.  It was really late when Tonya and the Big Guy got home.  But they still took me for a walk.  They said that I needed to go for a walk to burn off some energy.

It's garbage day today.  So during last night's walk, I got to run and sniff alot of garbage bags.  The Big Guy wasn't too happy as I was pulling hard to get to the next garbage bag.

I hope they don't leave me a lone like that again.  I was lonely while they were gone. I didn't have much to entertain me in the house when it was dark.  But I didn't chew or break anything while they were gone.  I was a good boy.

Bye bye for now.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

21/Sep/17 go back to bed

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So there I was...  sleeping, when I could hear the gentle scraping of slippers on the porcelain tiles.  Then FLASH!  The Big Guy is taking a picture of me.  Geesh, go back to bed.

Yesterday morning we went for a walk.  We were sure it was going to rain last night.  Well it turned out, it didn't rain at all.  Weird weather.  

Talking of weather, I seen on the news that Hurricane Maria blew though the Caribbean.  As if those people didn't have enough disaster, they get hit again.  The Big Guy was reading on the news that Puerto Rico has lost 100% of it's power.  That means, even the power stations have lost power.  That's bad.  Real bad.

I don't mind the rain so much, but they even got upwards of 50 cm of rain.  That is normally how we measure snow fall around here.

Then, there is also an earthquake that has shook up Mexico.  I heard that California is due for a big shake some day.  Still hasn't happened just yet.  I bet they hope it doesn't happen any day soon.  Or if it does, that it's just a gentle shaking.

The Big Guy was telling the guys at work how I broke the dining room window.  They told the Big Guy to see the glass shop on King St, by the tracks.  They may have a piece of glass that they can sell him.  Then he just needs to remove what's left of the glass and insert the new piece and put the glazing in place.  He has never done that sort of work before, but he has seen videos.  So he is pretty confident that he can do that.

Then, another job, he is going to be replacing some of the shingles that I pulled off the house.  I was bored and needed to chew and show how bored I was.  So I ate some of the siding off the house.

But then he coated some of the shingles with Uber Hot Sauce.  Now I think twice about eating shingles.

Bye bye for now.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

20/Sep/17 can I have another treat

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday we went for a long walk.  Something like 20 blocks or more.  We don't often go for those longer walks.  I enjoy them a lot.  But I make it hard for the Big Guy.  He gets cut off or I will stop, but the emergency brakes on and sniff the ground.  Then he pulls and tugs on the leash.  My paws and nails will scrape across the ground.  Talking of nails, they are really short from all the walking we do.

Yesterday the Big Guy put me in my kennel.  He wasn't impressed with me breaking the window.  Which he still has to fix.  Nope.  Not happy at all.

I showed him that I really didn't want to go in my kennel.  Well, turns out that really wasn't an option for him.  He just kinda dragged me across the kitchen floor.  He says things like I really shouldn't fight him on this as it's going to happen any way.  So just go in to the kennel by myself and everyone will be happier.  It isn't such a bad place.  I just don't like to be confined.

While we are out walking, Tonya and the Big Guy talk a lot.  But sometimes they can't hear each other.  There is the wind and cars going by.  So they have to repeat themselves a lot.

There is a house that is going up next door to us.  They got most of the roof on yesterday.  I am sure that they are going to finish the roof today.  Then they will be starting on the inside.  Once they get the inside done, I would imagine it will be easy to work inside, out of the weather.  But it's called a duplex in this part of the country.  In the prairies, they call it a side by side.  Either way, it's a home that has two houses, sharing one common wall.  Tonya hasn't found a price yet.  She will go on the MLS sites to see the prices of homes.

Not like we are moving any time soon though.

Bye bye for now.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

19/Sep/17 where is the TV Remote

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

This is normally where the Big Guy sits.  I thought I would take his "spot" yesterday.

Tonya and the Big Guy have a cousin that works in Halifax and he works at a Ford Dealership.  They are talking about buying a new Flex.  Well, not brand new, but certainly new enough.  Tonya doesn't like the Taurus.  She says it's too low to the ground and not a big enough car for her to feel safe in.  With the Flex, it's a bigger station wagon type car.  The Big Guy doesn't mind it too much as it is something like $12000 off the full retail.  It is black like his previous Flex.  I think if he gets this car, he will name it "Ghost Rider", or just "Ghost" for short.  He calls his current car, "Big Blue".

But if they do get the Flex, they will still put that gate up between me and the front seats.

Did you want to see some pictures of it?  Click "HERE" to see it.  Nice eh?  I would get my own sun roof.

Yesterday I broke a pane of glass in the dining room.  There was a cat in the back yard and I lost my mind.  I barked and my nose hit the glass.  I didn't realize how fragile glass is.

We went for a "short" walk last night.  Short walks are now about 8 blocks.  Medium walks, well they are about 12 blocks.  Then those long walks, well, normally they are on the weekends and I can't count how many blocks that is.

The Big Guy was saying how hard it can be to walk me as I keep walking in front of him and stopping to sniff something or other.  So he can't walk at a constant pace.  Not like that day he walked to work.  He was able to get there a lot faster than if I would have been with him.

Bye bye for now.

Monday, 18 September 2017

18/Sep/17 yes this IS comfortable

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy used the new leash that they bought me.  It's a metal chain.  Well I didn't want to chew on that leash at all.  The Big Guy was really happy about that.  But, he did end up getting a blister on one of his fingers.  He would run the chain though his hands to control how much length was available.  Towards the end of the walk, he flipped the loop to his other hand.  He knows next time, to wear work gloves.  

BUT, we also went for the LONGEST walk yet.  

Can you walk that far?  We did a pit stop at the brother's place.  Tonya said, because we took a small short cut to avoid these other dogs, we could have walked 3.5 km.  She was hoping that because of how far we went, I would sleep all day long.

Guess what, I didn't sleep all day long.  I am getting used to these long walks.

Tonya feed me some peas and carrots with my kibble last night.  They had roast beef and mashed cauliflower, also with peas and carrots.  The Big Guy said that the roast was really good.  I didn't know as I didn't get any.

Then they did this thing where they will binge watch a TV series.  So they watched Wayonna Earp. They are almost all caught up.

Bye bye for now.

Sunday, 17 September 2017

17/Sep/17 how did they get the cheese in that wrapper

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday Tonya was trying to have one of those little laughing cow pieces of cheese.  I really thought it was for me.

I can smell the cheese

I can open it QUICKER

So I ate it once she got it outside the wrapper.  You can see that I am drooling, waiting for the cheese to be opened.

Can you also see how shiny my fur is?  That is no mistake.  Yesterday, Tonya and the Big Guy took me to this new place.  It's called "Four Paws Day Spa".  It's at the corner of King and Mason St in Sydney.  It's open 7 days a week from 8 to 8.  The cost is $10.00.  You put your money in the machine and put your dog into the tub (there is a walk in/out door to get your dog into the elevated tub).  Then you got 10 minutes.  You got 4 different shampoos, conditioner and rinse.  Then you select the blower.  Walk your dog out the door and your DONE!  You don't have any mess at your house.

The Big Guy says this place got two thumbs up.

To dry me off, they took me to the Doggie Park in Sydney, called Open Hearth Park.  I got to play with a couple other dogs.  The ladies that were there commented on how soft my fur is and what big paws that I have.  They were really nice.  They tried to throw a ball for me to play catch with.  They ended up fetching their own ball.  Why would I get it for them once they threw it away?

We ended up in a pet store on King St.  It's called "River Pet Supplies".  WOW!  Do they got some stuff there.  Tiny place, but well worth the stop.  It's right next to the DQ that's next to the Tim Hortons.

Does your dog have to be on "the program" for ticks and fleas?  Most dogs do.  I'm no different.  Well the Vet will sell 1 treatment for $30.00.  There, you can pick up the very same product, but it's a little different.  You get 4 treatments in the one package for $15.00.  So something that the Vet would charge $120.00, you can save $105.00.

They also had a new chain leash for me.  The Big Guy is so excited.  He knows that I will NOT chew on this leash.  At least, that's what he thinks.  We will see.

Afterwards we came home and I was able to take off my collar so that the fur that is under my collar would get a chance to dry off.

Bye bye for now.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

16/Sep/17 can we go for a walk soon

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home

So the Big Guy is a bit let down today.  He has this XBox and he got this membership thingy.  Well he's supposed to get games each month.  Well one of the games says that he can't get the game due to him living in Canada.  Yet one of the guys from work has the game and he lives in Canada.  It's annoying him.  But he says that he has a lot of other games, so he should be OK for now.

Tonya and the Big Guy sat out front last night.  It was nice to sit outside.  But the weather is getting a little colder each day.  Soon enough, we will not be sitting outside at all, and it will be snowing out.  We do live in Canada and that happens every year.

Tonya was telling the Big Guy that today, I am to have a bath.  I am not really looking forward to this.  But I know that it has to get done.  I'm a bit stinky.

Last night, when we were out walking, there was a guy that said he is a veterinarian.  He said, where he is from, the Bernese Mountain Dogs do NOT get as big as me.  I thought I was a bit small for my breed as I know my father weighed 140 pounds.  I still got about 40 pounds to go if I'm going to be the same size as my father.  They didn't ask him where he was from, but he has an accent that would put him in the Southern United States.

I think the Big Guy wants to go lay down for a bit.  He's tired.  He takes these pills each day and in the morning, he gets tired for a bit.  He lays down and has a nap for a bit.  Then he seems to be OK for the rest of the day.

Bye bye for now. 

Friday, 15 September 2017

15/Sep/17 excuse me, do you have any Grey Poupon

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I hope and pray that we go for a walk THIS MORNING!  It's garbage day!  There are so many new smells when it's garbage day!  Then, this is the best part, I get to pee on the garbage bags!  YIPPEE!  So much fun!

The Big Guy put the training collar back on my neck.  Geesh, you would think that jumping up on humans is a bad thing.

Last night, I went and sat next to the Big Guy to get some pats and my head rubbed.  While he was rubbing my fur, he was patting my fur really hard.  So much so that it was lifting my eye brows.  Tonya was laughing and laughing.  Then he used my loose skin to his advantage and was pushing up on the skin to make it look like my eye brows were being knotted down, making me look like I had an angry face.  Tonya was laughing and laughing.  The Big Guy had my training collar off, so I went and jumped on her.  Not so funny now, eh?

Last night, Tonya had to go help her sister bring the garbage to the curb.  She put way too much dirty cat litter in the bag and she couldn't lift the garbage bag to bring it to the curb.  I told Tonya, she should be making a lot of little dirty cat litter bags and make several trips, instead of doing one big lazy man trip.  The Big Guy says that this is the Lord speaking to her sister and is giving her signs.  If you can't take care of yourself and your cats...  something has to go...  Make the right choice.  Perhaps it's time to down size and move to a place that is better suited to your needs.  Don't let your wants bring you down.

Well, that was pretty "heavy" thoughts for the morning.

Lets move on to something "lighter".

A farmer was driving along the road with a load of fertilizer. A little boy, playing in front of his house, saw him and called, "What've you got in your truck?"

"Fertilizer," the farmer replied.

"What are you going to do with it?" asked the little boy.

"Put it on strawberries," answered the farmer.

"You ought to live here," the little boy advised him. "We put sugar and cream on ours."

Bye bye for now.

Thursday, 14 September 2017

14/Sep/17 pat me or you will not pass

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

We got to go for a walk yesterday evening.  I got to see Bailey.  I haven't seen her in a LONG time.  Her nose is changing color.  That happens to a lot of doggies when the winter comes.  The Big Guy told me that Sebastian used to have his nose that would change color.

Tonya said that I have to wear my training collar again for a bit.  I am forgetting my place and I am jumping again.

While we were out yesterday for our walk, I met a group of kids that were playing on their bikes.  They stopped to pat me.  I walked on one of the boy's foot.  He said that I was heavy.  Well, that's because I AM heavy.  I'm a BIG dog now.

But there is this dog that lives next door to Bailey.  He isn't very nice and his lead will reach well onto the sidewalk.  He tries to bite me when we are walking.

Last night, after our walk, they had BBQ'ed hot dogs.  You would think, that with a food that is named hot "dog", that this would be doggie food.  They tell me that it isn't dog food, but human food.  Long story short, I didn't get any hot dogs.  Yup, more kibble.

It's supposed to be really nice out today.  I think they call this "Indian Summer".

Bye bye for now.