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Monday, 26 June 2017

26/Jun/17 enjoying a rib bone


Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy spent the morning outside without me.  He had a ladder on the deck and he was putting up the roof over the gazebo that they have on the deck.  Then he also put up the roof over the awning that they have for the propane BBQ that they have on the deck.  THEN, if it wasn't bad enough, he put up the solar chandelier that they have.  But I was allowed back on the deck by then.  

While he was up on the ladder, I tried to help him by licking his feet and legs to show my encouragement!

Did you see what they had for supper last night?

Now, I am a meat eater.  I could have had a steak.

Tonya bought the Big Guy a new apron.  This helps to keep his shirts clean while he is doing the BBQ.

Isn't she thoughtful?

The Big Guy said that having a charcoal BBQ isn't the same as propane.  You have to prep the BBQ first.

Afterwards, there is the cool down.

But the Big Guy said that it was so worth it.

In the end, the Big Guy had this really nice rib bone and he gave it to me.  

There some meat on it too.  It was as good as what he said it was.  So YUMMY!  The smokey taste was on the meat.  Not over powering, but just right.

We didn't get to go for a walk.  The Big Guy's knee was super sore.  Going up and down the ladder, although not that high off the ground, isn't something that he does all the time.

They also had some veggie kebabs, but they didn't share any of them with me.  I guess I was happy enough to get the rib.

Looks like we are going to be getting rain most of this week.  The Big Guy will have to cut the grass before his baby brother and sister-in-law come for a visit.  Then they can relax all weekend long.

Bye bye for now!

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