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Sunday, 11 June 2017

11/Jun/17 I'm not paying attention to you

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I'm gonna be making babies.

There is a young Great Pyrenees/Bernese Mountain Dog mix that lives over by the Pierce St Dairy and her owner wants to breed her.  The young girl that the Big Guy met one day, was walking her dog past our house and Tonya went outside to say hello to the girl.  They got to talking about breeding and I'm gonna be having SEX!

So if I am pre-occupied with my own thoughts, please forgive me.

The Big Guy mowed the lawn yesterday.  I decided that I don't really like his push lawn mower.  His lawn tractor is OK.  ...oh and the whipper snipper...  that is the devil itself.  I barked and barked at it.

I tried reaching though the rails of the deck to touch the Big Guy while he was whipper snipping the grass.  That got him to turn that effin machine off.  But he still had it in his hands.  I wasn't too happy about that.  Then he turned it back on and continued to snip the grass.  So I continued to bark.

Yesterday, when the Big Guy drove Tonya to work, I got mad 'cause they didn't bring me.  So I destroyed their kitchen garbage bags.

The Big Guy wasn't too happy with me at all.  There was only a few bags that were left intact.  So he gathered them all up and threw them out.  

When he went to the store, he put me in my kennel.

When he came home, he made this chocolate peanut butter fat bomb fudge.  He didn't share ANY of it with me.  This morning, he cut it up into small squares and put it back in the fridge.  If he would have left it on the counter, I may have been able to reach them.

Bye bye for now.

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