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Wednesday, 28 June 2017

28/Jun/17 who's that over there

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy was outside mowing the lawn.  He goes around the house and down the small hill that is next to the driveway.  He says that he would like to build up a small ramp so that he doesn't have to go around the house.  I am not sure what he means by this, but he is quite confident it will be able to do this.  Not made of wood, but dirt and grass.  He got big ideas if you ask me.

They all agreed, the property looks so much nicer when the grass is mowed.

While the Big Guy was mowing the lawn, Tonya was helping him by picking up my toys and bones that were in the yard.  He was going to do some whipper snippering, but Tonya told him to stop and come sit with her.  He has lots of time to get that done.

They still got a patch in the front yard that isn't growing so well.  The Big Guy should actually get more grass seed and see if he can't fix that.

Last night, for supper, Tonya and the Big Guy sat on the deck and they had a salad.  Boy has he ever changed how he eats.  Normally he would say that this is the food that you FEED to his food.  i.e. you feed salad to the cows, pigs or chickens.

The Big Guy was watching TV later on and he was watching this show called Top Gear.  Well Tonya thinks it's boring.  She went on Facebook to see what other people are up to.  He likes that show as they can be funny and they show all kinds of cars.  Some cars are a lot better than others.

So is anyone going to be celebrating Canada's 150th Birthday this weekend?

Bye bye for now.

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