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Saturday, 17 June 2017

17/Jun/17 how much is that doggie in the window

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday I lept and I hurt the Big Guy's shoulder.  We were going to start our walk and we didn't even leave the back yard.  There is a rock retaining wall and I was walking along it, sniffing stuff and then I lept in the air and pulled my leash.  The Big Guy wasn't expecting that and I hurt his shoulder a bit.

So we only went for a short walk, 3 blocks.

I had a nice poop while we were out walking.  Tonya collected it and brought it home.

While we were out walking, we noticed a black lab with a white chest, sitting on the front lawn.  We never noticed him before.  As we got closer, we noticed that his lead was still attached to his collar, but that the leash was chewed apart.

We thought he may have been from up the street a bit, so Tonya ran on ahead and knocked on their door.  But their dog that looks like him, well, he was still home.  So NOT the same dog.

So if you lost a black lab with a white chest, we seen him around 37 Blowers St in North Sydney at about 7:00 pm last night.

Today, the Big Guy says that his shoulder is still a bit tender.

The people across the street, they tore down their garage.  It was really old.  I wonder if they are going to put up a new garage?

There was also this tree stump that has been there since, like forever.  They tried to remove it with the back hoe, but it was tough and it didn't want to come out of the ground.

Bye bye for now.

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