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Thursday, 22 June 2017

22/Jun/17 we had joy we had fun we had season's in the sun

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I am not 100% sure what a tropical storm is.  But I hear, because of it, we are going to get some rain.  Not right away for us.  I learned, from watching the news that places like Texas, Louisiana and Tennessee could get 300 mm of rain.  That's like a foot of rain.  12 inches.  That is a whole LOT of rain.  My little swimming pool would over flow.

Talking of that little swimming pool.  I just LOVE it.  When we get home, I BEG to be let outside.  Then I can lick up some of the water and cool off my paws.  It feels so good on my paws.

I am not afraid to look under the water either.  I will put my entire face underwater when Tonya or the Big Guy will throw stuff into the pool.

Today, the Big Guy will be getting his charcoal BBQ.  Then he has to put it together.  So he will have to wait till tomorrow or the weekend to start cooking on his new grill.

So far, he hasn't said what he's going to be doing with the ashes.  I bet he's going to spread them on the lawn.  I wonder if it will help the lawn grow?  I bet he's going to look that up later on.

Did you know, you can get hamburgers that are cut out to look like a maple leaf?  Tonya and the Big Guy had some last night.

So the Big Guy has a plan.  His plan is to move his BIG propane BBQ off the back deck and keep that in the garage as well as his charcoal BBQ.  He said, moving forward, he will be using the big BBQ for the rotisserie.  He knows that some day, Tonya is going to want to get a smaller propane BBQ for the deck.  I wonder if he has a money tree some place that he hasn't told Tonya about.

Bye bye for now

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