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Friday, 9 June 2017

9/Jun/17 can we PLEASE go for a walk

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday Tonya said that it was too hot to go for a walk.  When the Big Guy got home from work, he didn't argue at all.  He got a low carb beer and sat on the deck.  Yesterday it was +29 on the thermometer.  With the humidex, it felt like +33.  So it was warm out.  I was digging holes in the lawn and laying in the cool earth that I uncovered.

Now, today, we are expecting about 30 mm of rain.  But the temp is only going to be +19.  So we may be going for a walk today.  They have rain coats, while I just get wet.  Tonya bought me some doggles, but I will NOT wear them.

I have a poop container that is outside.  When the Big Guy was emptying it, he noticed that there is a hole in the ground.  Something was digging up his yard.  I wonder what he's going to do about the hole?  Knowing him, he's going to leave it alone as it is over to one side of his property, right a long the fence line, so it really isn't hurting anything.

Now, if it turns out to be something that is going to hurt me...  well, I think it will be end of days for that little creature that lives in the ground.

Otherwise, it was a slow day for me.  (Can't be exciting all the time)

Bye bye for now.

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