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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

20/Jun/17 me and my walking buddie

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

My walking partner, AKA, the Big Guy is in the background.  He has lost over 50 pounds since he started walking me.  I've lost about 3 pounds.  I've got to keep walking him so that he looses more weight.

Yesterday, it was super humid when he got home.  Tonya was resting on the deck.  She tried to use my pool to cool off.  I wasn't about to share.  I kept nipping at her toes in the pool.  She found it funny as that meant I had to put my entire head under water do to that.

I slept most of the night outside on the back deck.  It's too warm to sleep inside.  They got the kitchen fan going, but it isn't enough.  I really want to sleep outside.

There is a bee that has been flying around the deck.  The Big Guy keeps saying that he needs to put some caulking on the house to seal up that nest.  Otherwise, I am probably going to be stung.  Tonya keeps telling me not to bother with the bees, but I can't help myself.  It's like a cat with a lazer pointer.

The Big Guy just checked the temp.  It's +26 inside the house.  He doesn't mind the heat so much.  Then again, he isn't wearing a fur coat either.

Do you see the little mushroom house on the tree stump in the picture?  I'm looking towards the mushroom in the picture.  It has a solar light inside it.  Probably the next big wind storm and it will be blown off the stump.  It better land in the grass, otherwise it will get broken.

Bye bye for now.

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