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Tuesday 31 August 2021

31/Aug/21 I missed you today


Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya left the house for a LONG time yesterday.

I heard she will be at "work" again today as well.

The Big Guy was home.

He was puttering around in the back room where it was a catch me all.  That room caught a lot too.

But you can walk around that back room now.  What a difference he made.

I laid on the living room floor and watched him.

He went and played his XBox.  Then he would set the timer and would go move stuff to the basement.  Come back upstairs, and play he game and set the timer again.  He did this several times untill all the stuff was put in the basement.

There was other stuff, but that was just garbage.  So that it put in the garbage area.

He even found a bunch of Sobey's bags.

For those of you that don't remember what they are, they are the plastic bags that you used to get when you went shopping for your groceries.

Now, you are given paper bags, that you have to pay for.  Or you can bring your own cloth bags.  So far, that's what they have been doing.

There are these plastic tubs that they use to use for Superstore.  They are in the garage.  They haven't brought those out just yet.

But I can see the Big Guy doing that before too long.  When Tonya takes her family shopping, they always seem to forget their bags and end up "borrowing" our bags.  Oh, doesn't that make the Big Guy pissy.

Your blast from the past

Your daily video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having watermellon

Bye bye fur now

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