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Friday, 26 August 2016

26/Aug/16 new type of bone

26/Aug/16 new type of bone

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So this is one of those Pedigree Bones.  Talk about fancy.  Yup, made it big time here.  None of those dollar store bones for me.  This bone is guaranteed to last a big doggie, 1 hour of chew times.  Mine are still around.  I would chew on them and get bored and move on. 

I heard that Sebastian used to go through one in 20 minutes.  The Big Guy should have made a video of that.

You can click on each picture of me to get a much larger photo.

As you can see, plants are interesting to me.  These plants are lots of fun.  I lay in them.  I hide under them.  I chew on them.  Things get blown off the deck and I find them.  Like the cat bowls that Tonya used to use before I moved in.

The Big Guy didn't seem to mind at all that I was in the plants.

So, big news.  My non-furry Uncle and my non-furry Aunt is coming to visit.

If you click on the picture, I found one of the Big Guy's beer cans that blew off the deck.  He was having a few while listening to Tonya tell him a story about me.

Tonya knows that Marcel and Kim are going to be staying in the Big Guy's Naked Room.  Oh that's another story, but not for now.

Tonya took the sheets off the bed.  I decided I would help.  So I was Tonya's little helper.  Yes I was!

As she would try to put the sheet on the bed, I would go inspect it.  I know that the Big Guy is ex-military and since I didn't see any hospital corner, I took the corner off the bed.  Then the next one and the next one.  Tonya wasn't noticing that I was removing the non hospital corners till she finally turned around to see why the fitted sheet, wasn't staying put.

I've only been insulted a few times in my short life.  But this was another one.  She removed me from the Guest Room.  I could hardly believe it.  I was jumping on the bedroom door to show my displeasure.

When she let me back in, the bed was made and I was determined to see if there was military like hospital corners on the sheet.  But she grabbed me by the collar and hauled me out of the bedroom.  She closed the door after we were both outside the bedroom.

So now, my paws can't turn door knobs as I just can't get them around to open that door.  I will have to figure out something.

Lorne Slade came over last night.  He was trying to get me not to nip or jump.  I would say he did a fair job at it.  In the end, I decided, I would not jump or bark at him.

The Big Guy was telling me that he has invited my non-furry sisters to come live here.  I heard that Melissa has her own doggie and that he is a Great Pyrenees.  So he would be another big doggie living here.  This is a big house, I am not sure where Linda would put all her collectible stuff.  I am sure we would find a spot though.

Well, off to see what adventures awaits me today.

Bye bye for now

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