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Friday, 12 August 2016

12/Aug/16 Odin, I can smell you

12/Aug/16 Odin, I can smell you

Good morning Cape Breton,

Maximus Handsomius reporting in from my Forever Home.

Last night I got a new visitor.  Colleen Bona, she is Geoff Bona's Mum.  Geoff and Odin, my furry step-brother were visiting North Sydney, but yesterday, Geoff had to go back to CFB Gagetown.  Geoff is in the Army and is doing really good.

Geoff has a Jeep and makes Odin jump in and out of the Jeep.  The Big Guy has a Taurus and doesn't really let me jump too much.  Tonya is worried about my hips.

As you can see by the photos, Tonya found a walking stick.  It was delicious.

Colleen bought me a new chew toy.  That was really nice of her.  I took a nip at her and she was bleeding.  She has to take aspirin, for her heart.  She said that Odin nipped at her too.  So it wasn't just me.  She was nice about it, but Tonya and the Big Guy were pretty upset with me.

You know, yesterday must have been gift day, as Amy, one of the people that works with the Big Guy, she bought me a rubber pig.  She seen my video from yesterday and agreed, that was an annoying sound.  But the pig is a lot quieter.  Much less annoying.  The Big Guy was going to get a video, but he didn't have his camera with him.  I am sure he will do something before too long.

I am going to have a visitor today.  His name is Terry.  That's Tonya's brother.  He has been told, not to play rough with me.  Also not to feed me human food.  I find that he eats a lot of take out food.  Yet he says that he can cook.  While he is here, he plans to walk me a lot.  

The Big Guy is going to be typing on a lap top computer tomorrow and Sunday.  So we will see just how good my Blog is for the next two days.

Bye bye for now

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