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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

31/Aug/16 what is this "down stairs" you are speaking of

31/Aug/16 what is this "down stairs" you are speaking of

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

My non-furry Uncle Marcel and my non-furry Aunt Kim have left my forever home.  Don't they know that they could move in and this would be their forever home too?  There is a lot of forever homes around North Sydney.  I've checked the MLS listings for around here.

After they left, I went to visit with Terry, Craig and Has.  We didn't stay long.  We went to the Vet.  I am weighed 61 pounds.  The Big Guy pretty much figured I was over 60, but didn't realize how much.

For you lady doggies out there.  Can you see the Tide bucket in the picture?  I'm available, if you know what I mean...(For those of you that don't know, there was this set of military apartments in Dartmouth, called Shannon Park.  More like Shagging Park.  If the Tide box was in the window, it meant that the coast was clear, "he" isn't home.)

The Big Guy has been pretty slow on his food blog.  They have a ton of left overs.  But I get kibble.  Yup, yummy yummy kibble.

Yesterday, the Big Guy and Tonya were on the deck, having some left overs.  I wanted to see what Tonya has on her plate.  Well, I am big enough to reach up and flip her plate with my paw.  There was these things called "Chips" that fell from her paper plate and fell onto the deck.  Way too many for her to get them all before I had some.  It was yumm yumm yumm as I was doing my impression of a vacuum on the deck, trying to get as many chips as I could.

There was also loud trucks outside the house all day yesterday.  They were putting down a fresh layer of pavement on the street.  I think they only have one more layer to go before they are all done.  Then it will be quiet on the street once again.

We went for our walk, but the Big Guy, well, his back was hurting and he had to stop and rest his back.  So we sat on Jim's retaining wall next to his driveway.  Jim is the neighbor that lives in our back yard.  His wife, Clarissa is always saying hello to me.

Bye bye for now.

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

30/Aug/16 please stay and play with me some more

30/Aug/16 please stay and play with me some more

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

It's been a great weekend and so far, a GREAT week.  My non-furry Uncle Marcel and non-furry Aunt Kim have stayed.  She has played and played with me.  She doesn't bat at my mussel like some other uncle that I know.  He thinks he is being funny, but it only makes me mad.

Yesterday it rained a lot.  Not a very nice day outside at all.  But I did get to see the road crew outside my house.

So we got a new curb out front of our house.  We thought they were putting in a sidewalk.  But I guess not.

Yesterday they were removing the top layer of pavement on the street.  I know they are going to pave it again.  But the road crew wanted to start stripping the road at 7:00 am.  Well the people across the street, all had their cars parked on the road.  1 in the driveway and 3 on the road.  The road crew people were banging on their door to wake them up and move their cars.

I am not sure why the city didn't put a notice in our mail box saying that there would be road work being done for today.

So now, they are going to have to pave the street again.  Not sure when they are going to do that.

But as I look outside, there is NO one parked on the street today.  I guess they want to sleep in.

Yesterday was the first time that my non-furry Uncle Marcel and non-furry Aunt Kim ever had A&K Lick-A-Chick.  They are so good, they actually shut down the KFC in North Sydney.  But the Big Guy found that the KFC Chicken has gotten smaller over the years, where as the Lick-A-Chick, their chicken pieces haven't gotten smaller.

Did you know that the Lick-A-Chick has a YouTube video?  They do...

Bye bye for now

Monday, 29 August 2016

29/Aug/16 now that's a fire

29/Aug/16 now that's a fire

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

This was the first real fire I ever seen before.  Tonya took me off my lead and I ran right to the fire.  My Uncle Marcel made sure that my curiosity didn't let me get burnt.

I guess I made my non-furry Aunt Kim feel bad yesterday.  FYI, the story about me sitting on the front step, although most of it was true, I didn't sit and fall down the stairs.  That part was a white lie to made the story fun.

But you should hear the Big Guy when he says that he caught a fish "THAT" big and stuff.  No one catches a fish over 14 inches long.

Oh, I guess they do.  Boy oh boy, I woud have called the Big Guy, the Small Guy in that photo in the top right.  He got up early one morning and came back with that for breakfast.

My Uncle Terry came by last night and they had BBQed Hamburgers.  I had Kibble.  Yummy Kibble.  Delicious Kibble.  I would have enjoyed a little but of hamburger you know.  But no, the Big Guy will not have any of that.  He wants me to stay healthy.

The Big Guy and Tonya took off yesterday to visit with their Grand Daughter   They don't get to see her very often as she lives in Dartmouth.  But there is other grand children that they haven't met at ALL.

As you can see by this video, my non-furry Uncle Marcel likes to have fun with me.

He can be real fun.  If I would have got that noise maker, I am sure I would have had a LOT of fun.

Bye bye for now

Sunday, 28 August 2016

28/Aug/16 that's wine

28/Aug/16 that's wine

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I was so happy to see my non-furry Uncle Marcel and my non-furry Aunt Kim.  They had a LONG drive from Moncton yesterday.  But they had pizza, wine and beer.  Aunt Kim is a smoker and she wanted to make sure that we weren't inhaling her smoke.  The Big Guy told her to use the tree stump as a table to hold her wine.

My lead would only go so far.  Otherwise, I would have had some wine.

I do know how to "sit" on command.  I don't think that Aunt Kim is very nice.  I was excited and I was at the edge of the step when she told me to sit.  I sat, or at least I tried.  I put my bum down and there was no deck.  My bum was over the step, and I wasn't sitting at ALL.  I was falling.  She said that she felt bad.  But that certainly didn't stop them all from laughing.

I didn't get hurt or anything like that. I know she didn't do that on purpose.  I was being excited and getting into everything.  She just wanted me to calm down.  She told me to "Sit" so I sat.

Yesterday I had a new treat.  I don't think it was quite what the Big Guy wanted me to have either.

He was doing his cooking blog and was taking the roast out of the oven.  He had his camera in one hand and the roast in the other.  Well the skillet tipped over and the beef drippings went everywhere.

I tried to help RIGHT AWAY.  But he kept pushing me back and used a LOT of paper towel to clean up his mess.  In the end, he didn't get it all, so I got to lick the stove.  Here is the video:

Well, everyone else is sleeping, so I think I should go for a nap.

Bye bye for now.

Saturday, 27 August 2016

27/Aug/16 you thought I was done with the flowers

27/Aug/16 you thought I was done with the flowers

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

I guess there is a lot of heat waves going on this year.  Not so much, here in Cape Breton.  It's hot, yes, but not so hot that they have to post heat wave advisories.  Besides, if it gets that hot, we only have to go to the beach and it is so much cooler there because of the breeze coming off the Atlantic Ocean.

Yesterday I got into the flowers on the right side of the front deck.  Today, I decided that I would get tangled up in the flowers on the left side of the deck.  I was so tangled up, I was RIPPING the flowers out of the ground.  

Tonya had to come save me as I would have put 'er into 4 paw drive and stomped on the gas.  As it was, I was ripping the leaves off the plant.

Maureen Guy, from across the street commented on how tall I am getting.

Even Lorne Slade said that I was probably over 60 pounds now.  If not, I am pretty close.

Today, I am going to get a visit by my non-furry Uncle Marcel and my non-furry Aunt Kim.  I seen her before.  It will be nice to see her again so that she can see how much I have grown in 2 months.

The Big Guy doesn't know what to cook as he normally only ever cooked Kraft Dinner for his brother Marcel.  But that was at the cottage and that was about 40 years ago.  Aunt Kim did say that they don't like onions.  He is going to have to find out more than that.  Otherwise, someone is going to be very hungry.  Perhaps it was only onions on their pizza.

They dumped out my little swimming pool on the back deck.  There was flies and other stuff in it.  It was time to be dumped.

I had my heart worm medicine.  There was stuff that came out of me.  Yuck.  So I knew the medicine is working.  I don't get to go into the woods, so I don't have to worry about ticks.  But even then, I am taking stuff the prevent ticks from getting at me too.  The Big Guy and Tonya really take good care of me.

Well, I should go for a nap.  I want to be all refreshed for when Marcel and Kim get here.

Bye bye for now.

Friday, 26 August 2016

26/Aug/16 new type of bone

26/Aug/16 new type of bone

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So this is one of those Pedigree Bones.  Talk about fancy.  Yup, made it big time here.  None of those dollar store bones for me.  This bone is guaranteed to last a big doggie, 1 hour of chew times.  Mine are still around.  I would chew on them and get bored and move on. 

I heard that Sebastian used to go through one in 20 minutes.  The Big Guy should have made a video of that.

You can click on each picture of me to get a much larger photo.

As you can see, plants are interesting to me.  These plants are lots of fun.  I lay in them.  I hide under them.  I chew on them.  Things get blown off the deck and I find them.  Like the cat bowls that Tonya used to use before I moved in.

The Big Guy didn't seem to mind at all that I was in the plants.

So, big news.  My non-furry Uncle and my non-furry Aunt is coming to visit.

If you click on the picture, I found one of the Big Guy's beer cans that blew off the deck.  He was having a few while listening to Tonya tell him a story about me.

Tonya knows that Marcel and Kim are going to be staying in the Big Guy's Naked Room.  Oh that's another story, but not for now.

Tonya took the sheets off the bed.  I decided I would help.  So I was Tonya's little helper.  Yes I was!

As she would try to put the sheet on the bed, I would go inspect it.  I know that the Big Guy is ex-military and since I didn't see any hospital corner, I took the corner off the bed.  Then the next one and the next one.  Tonya wasn't noticing that I was removing the non hospital corners till she finally turned around to see why the fitted sheet, wasn't staying put.

I've only been insulted a few times in my short life.  But this was another one.  She removed me from the Guest Room.  I could hardly believe it.  I was jumping on the bedroom door to show my displeasure.

When she let me back in, the bed was made and I was determined to see if there was military like hospital corners on the sheet.  But she grabbed me by the collar and hauled me out of the bedroom.  She closed the door after we were both outside the bedroom.

So now, my paws can't turn door knobs as I just can't get them around to open that door.  I will have to figure out something.

Lorne Slade came over last night.  He was trying to get me not to nip or jump.  I would say he did a fair job at it.  In the end, I decided, I would not jump or bark at him.

The Big Guy was telling me that he has invited my non-furry sisters to come live here.  I heard that Melissa has her own doggie and that he is a Great Pyrenees.  So he would be another big doggie living here.  This is a big house, I am not sure where Linda would put all her collectible stuff.  I am sure we would find a spot though.

Well, off to see what adventures awaits me today.

Bye bye for now

Thursday, 25 August 2016

25/Aug/16 my new fur

25/Aug/16 my new fur

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So as you can see by the photos, my new fur is coming in.  This means that there is a lot of my puppy fur laying around the house.  You should see it all.  It's everywhere.  The Big Guy and Tonya try to brush me several times a week, I just keep shedding.

Did anyone around North Sydney see what's left of the old Parrish Center?  There has been heavy equipment and they have been landscaping the property.  The smell of the fresh earth is SO inviting.

Last night, when we were just about home from out walk, the Big Guy decided that he would cut through Mrs Naddif's property.  The Big Guy had seen a few ladies walking towards us and he didn't want me to jump on them.  Where I am getting so big and I can still get excited, he doesn't want me to hurt anyone.  But he hears them call out, "IS THAT MAX?  I see him on Facebook all the time!".  Tonya stopped and confirmed that it was Anne Walsh.  Someone that she used to go to school with.

So I jumped on her.

There was another pretty lady that was with her.  She said how cute I was.  Of course I am cute, I am Maximus Handsomius.

We said out good byes and then went up on the front step to have a drink of water and a lay down.

Next thing you know, there are two people laying their bicycles down and the lady is calling out...  "Is that Max I see on the front deck?".  It was it was Betty-Jo Skinner-Kehoe.  Someone else that Tonya went to school with.

So I jumped on her.

Betty-Jo and her husband were out driving their bicycles all the way over from Musgrave Lane.  She was saying that there is a very pretty FEMALE Bernese Mountain Dog that lives over there.  But she isn't very tall as she was the runt of the litter.  She was surprised that I am only 4 months old.  I guess I am going to be the brute of the litter.  Betty-Jo said that I am almost as big as the other dog, but that she is 3 years old.  

I met her non-furry parents when I was visiting the Bluenose II that day over at the North Sydney Yacht Club.  They told the Big Guy and Tonya, if ever they are walking on Musgrave Lane, for them to drop in.  But I don't know where they live.  I can only Google Map so much.  My paws don't work so well on a mouse.

After they left, I got another visitor.  Margaret Ann and her fella Greg stopped by.

I wasn't able to jump on her.

She stayed in her car while I was on my leash that only reached so far.  I barked a bit, but that didn't help.  Margaret Ann didn't get out of her car.

I got tired and we eventually went inside for me to have a quick bite to eat and off to bed.

Bye bye for now.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

24/Aug/16 Dancing in the dark

24/Aug/16 Dancing in the dark

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Did you know, if you click on the pictures, they go full screen?

So Tonya and I were playing in the grass on the front lawn.

Tonya took me for a nice walk after she got home from work.  She walked past what is left of the Parrish Center and it's all GONE!  Including the trees.  Now they have to develop the land.

The Big Guy cooked up some stuff for his Food Blog and did a video.  I am surprised that he turns the camera on me some days.  But after he was done cooking his lunch, he sat out on the front deck with Tonya and me.

I thought that we were getting sidewalks.  I think we are only getting a new curb.  I wonder who decided we needed a new curb?  Is there a city engineer that drives around the city, stops their vehicle and looks in horror at the curb, does a tisk tisk and writes stuff in a note pad, then goes back to his office and slams his fist on the deck screaming that the people on Stanley St deserve a new curb?

A lot of people are commenting that I am growing tall.  I must be well over 50 pounds by now.  I thought I heard Tonya saying that I was going to be going to the vet again for another booster shot.  I heard that there are some humans out there that don't want to vaccinate their own children.  I can't understand why not.  Isn't it free?  Just like the Big Guy gets his annual flu shot.  He never fails to get his shot.

You should hear the Big Guy when he goes to the store and there are people parked in the fire lane.  He swears a lot at those people.  But they can't hear him. He has the windows up in the car.  I bet they don't care at all and would get angry with the Big Guy if he would talk to them about where they are parking.

Bye bye for now.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

23/Aug/16 it's raining it's pouring, the Big Guy is snorning

23/Aug/16 it's raining it's pouring, the Big Guy is snorning

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday the Big Guy didn't have enough time to post my video.  I have it ready for you today.

Tonya and the Big Guy were watching more videos from Ceasar Millan.  He is the Dog Whisperer.  I think they understood a few new things yesterday.  They go to work and get tired.  I stay at home and do nothing.  When they get home, they want to relax.  I want to PLAY!  I want to play a lot too.

Tonya took me for a walk in the rain.  She said that she doesn't melt.  I can confirm that she didn't melt.  Not even a little bit.

Last week, the Big Guy thought that they were putting in a new sidewalk.  Today, not so much.  It just looks like they took out the old curb and are putting in a new one.  Unless they aren't finished yet.  Guess we will see what's happening today.

I think what surprised them the most, no one from the city has told them anything.

Guess we will see what the end project looks like in a few days.  But so far, the idea of sidewalks on our side of the street, might be wrong.  Right now, the sidewalks are only on the OTHER side of the street.  Yet mostly everywhere, there is sidewalks on BOTH sides of the street.

I heard that I have non-furry sisters that live in Swift Current, Winnipeg, and Whitby.  That is a long drive away.  I sure wish that I would be able to see them some day.

OK, so here is the video.

I know I keep asking, but the BIg Guy would not be too happy if I didn't ask.  Could you subscribe to his YouTube Channel?  You only need an email address and your done.  You need a GMail account to be able to comment on my Blog.

Bye bye for now.

Monday, 22 August 2016

22/Aug/16 swimming again

22/Aug/16 swimming again

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Yesterday we went to Uncle Rolly and Aunt Lynn.  The Big Guy left his camera home.  But they have a pool  Not a small kiddy pool like you see in the pictures.  They were really afraid that I would fall into the pool and not know how to get out.  I am sure that the Big Guy would have rescued me.

But I got to run around in the field.  They were so worried that I would run away.  I listen and know my name now, but sometimes, I just get so fascinated with stuff.  I just forget what my name is and I don't go back when they call me.

We have been invited back so that I can run and run and run.  I am sure that will make me tired.

I got to play a little bit with these two smaller humans.  One of them would lay on the deck and I would lay on top of him.  He said that I was heavy.  I am pretty sure that I weighed as much as he did.  He asked his father if he could get a doggie like me.  His father said that they have 3 doggies now.  He said that perhaps they could get rid of one to get one like me.

So what do you think they were fascinated about me?  Was it my new adult fur that's coming in? Nope! Was it my soft puppy fur that's on my sides?  Nope!  Was it my eyes that will give you a steely glance?  Nope!  It was my BIG PAWS!  Everyone is on about my big paws.

So, on to the evil news.  Tonya bought me a new harness.  Oh yea, it's great for walking.  But do you know what else it does?  It also works with the seat belts in their car.  Now I am not able to stand on the arm rest between the two front seats.  The Big Guy was really not to keen about me doing that.  I am sure if we would get into an accident, I would very likely go flying.  But now that I get belted into the back seat.  I only have limited movement.  On the good side, they can roll the window all the way down so that I am able to sniff the air.

After we got home, Tonya asked if the Big Guy would put out my pool.  I don't mind it too much.  I walk into it without being dragged into it.  Not like the first video where they PUT me into the pool.

Then we all got tired and went for a nap.  I like naps.  It would seem that the Big Guy likes naps too.  But the one that likes naps the most...  Is Tonya.  Boy can she nap.  She naps for a long time too.

The Big Guy is waiting for my new YouTube video to load.  He should have done that yesterday and then he wouldn't be waiting this morning.  My adoring fans are wondering where my morning blog is.

Well fellow readers, my video is going to take another hour to upload.  I guess the Big Guy can't wait that long.  I will see if we can't upload that tomorrow.

Bye bye for now.

Sunday, 21 August 2016

21/Aug/16 morning coffee

21/Aug/16 morning coffee

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

Look at my picture.  Don't I look like Tonya before she has her morning coffee?

Yesterday was a boring day for me.  The Big Guy was doing videos all day long.  He was doing cooking videos and other stuff, but none of it was of ME!  What is his problem?

He tried to go for a nap.  I showed him.  I crawled right up on his while he was on the couch.  Boy did he jump!  There is thousands of doggie videos on YouTube and what was he watching?  The Olympics.  I yawned at that.

I went outside and I was able to chew on a log that he has by the back door.  I got bored with that, so I slept.

He took me for a walk, but only around the block and then back home again so that he could do more stuff on his Food Blog.

I gave up and went and found a spot to sleep.  When Tonya came home, I tried to jump into her arms.  I thought it was cute.  She didn't think that having a 50+ pound dog flying through the air was fun at all.

I managed to get 2 suppers last night.  The Big Guy feed me before Tonya got him and then she wasn't listening to him.  She gave me another helping of food.  I must be a reverse hobbit.  They get 2 breakfasts.  I get 2 suppers.

They went out for a bit and didn't take me with them.  They came home with groceries, but no extra treats for me.  Just stuff for them.

They sat outside for a bit.  It is getting colder in the evenings.  I don't mind, I have my fur coat to keep me warm.

Bye bye for now.

Saturday, 20 August 2016

20/Aug/16 look at me, I'm Pikachu

20/Aug/16 look at me, I'm Pikachu
The Good, The Bad, and the Doggie

Click on my picture to make it full screen

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

So as you know, I will often play on the back deck while my humans admire me.  There was an old toy that belonged to Sebastian.  He was their previous dog.  But both Sebastian and I love playing with this chew toy.  Not sure what it's supposed to be called, but Tonya keeps saying it's a Pikachu.  So in honour of all those that play Pokemon Go, I'm Pikachu!

You can't see me behind this mask

I have chewed right into the toy and wear the toy like a mask

Now, for this next set of photos.  You have to think of the song.from the movie, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.  Let me set the scene.  It's the end of the movie.  Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, and Lee Van Cleef are at the cemetery.  You know it's going to be a shoot out.  The camera goes from face to face.  Eyes are moving from one person to the next.  Camera zooms in.  We can only see their eyes.  Eyes again, are moving from side to side as the antagonists are.going to shoot each other.  But who is going to draw first...  Are you having a hard time picturing it?  Here is a scene from the movie...

Skip to 4:45 for the dramatic music

Now that I have set the scene and you can hear the song in your head.  I present to you: 

The Good, The Bad and The Doggie.
Tonya feed her feral cats.  
You know that I want the food.  
But so does the Crow and the Seagull.


Steven Seagull

It was a show down.  Who blinks first.

Yesterday was another big walk day.

Tonya was off work and she walked me all the way to the Royal Bank.  Then we had to walk back home.  It isn't a steep hill, but it's a hill none the less.  We had to rest a few times.

There was a car that stopped and asked if I was a St. Bernard.  Tonya had to correct them and let them know, I am a Bernese Mountain Dog.

I got to see Verna and Brennan who work at Brewer's Convenience on Commercial Street.  They are impressed at how big I am getting.  Also, my adult fur is coming in.  So my sides are puppy fur and across my back is my adult fur.  This means that Tonya is finding a lot of my fur around the house.

The Big Guy is put out this morning.  He can't get to his Hotmail account to write to my non-furry Memere.  They write to each other once a day.  Sometimes more.  So far, not today.  Guess he will have to use his Gmail account for today.

Bye bye for today