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Monday, 6 January 2020

6/Jan/20 it's time to go outside and clean the snow

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, I'm not sure how much snow we got yesterday.  But I can say, enough that the Big Guy will be getting out the snow blower to "take care of business".

That snow storm that we got yesterday, well, I'm built for that.  I went out in the height of the storm, and laid down, with my nose facing the wind and just let the snow fall over me.  I was hardly effected by the storm at all.

Now, some other dogs...  well...  the are built to be in a warmer climate.  But that is them and this is me.

The Big Guy says that he would go outside RIGHT NOW to start up the snow blower and start clearing out the snow.  But he is also aware that other people are NOT awake just yet.  They may not appreciate the fact that he is an early riser.

Much like the kids that lives next door.  They were out in their jeep, driving around in the height of the storm.  Not sure why...  it wasn't like they could go for a coffee as even the coffee shops were closed.

The Big Guy just confirmed, there are these guys that goes around with their 1/2 ton trucks, with the snow plow on the front, they are already out cleaning up driveways.  But their trucks doesn't make the same noise as his snow blower.  He would not be out doing the snow blowing while people are sleeping.

He says that he is really looking forward to being retired.  Then he will not be worried about getting up to clean out the driveway before going to work.  Although he will be retired long before Tonya is retired.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog outside in the snow

Bye bye fur now

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