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Wednesday, 29 January 2020

29/Jan/20 I left my heart in San Francisco ♫♪♪

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Yesterday I wasn't at home.  The Big Guy and I went for a drive and we ended up in Scotchlake.  That is where the Goodhands Doggie Day Care is.

I spent a lot of time outside running around in the snow with the other dogs.

It was a good time.

When the Big Guy picked me up later on, I was some tired.

I was breathing so hard, it didn't take long before all the windows in the car were all steamed up.  Even though the Big Guy had the car's defrost on, it just couldn't keep up with my panting.

When I got home, I just wanted some water, some kibble and laid down to rest.

Yup it was fun and all that, but I'm always so glad to get home too.

That is when I seen Colby, Mylynne and Aurora.  They didn't stay much longer and they all went home again.  Which didn't bother me too much.  I was tired.

I could smell BBQ'ed hot dogs.  I didn't get any.  I was so tired, I didn't care too much.  I just wanted to lay down and rest.

We did get some snow yesterday.  Not a lot.  Definitely not enough for the Big Guy to get out his snow blower.  Talking of Cub Cadet...  2 weeks ago, Tonya did a video, where she was driving around on the Cub Cadet with a unicorn head on.  They had sent this to Cub Cadet to show how much fun they have with the tractor.

Well they sent a "care package" to Tonya and the Big Guy.  2 travel mugs.  2 touques.  Plus a fleece throw blanket.  They all have Cub Cadet on them.  There was also a very nice card with a hand written note in it, thanking us for making them smile.

The Big Guy has laid claim to the fleece throw blanket.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog needs to get his booties off his paws

Bye bye fur now

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