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Thursday, 2 January 2020

2/Jan/20 so when does your XMas lights come down

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Tonya wants to start taking down the XMas lights today.  I would think that them being up for a month is about right.  So time to take them down for another year.  They will go away, in the attic till next December.

The stuff that is outside, most of it will go on the back of the garage.  Then that is done.  The Big Guy is hoping that the stuff that was pushed into the ground, will be easy to take out of the ground.  I guess he will find out.  That is the two spot lights and the two laser lights.

Then he has to gather up all the extension cords and put them all away.  Not that it's a big job, but enough to have him on his feet for several hours today.

We are expecting our first major snow fall.  It's coming this Sunday the 5th of January.

Tonya caught me licking my paws the other day.  That is a sure sign of me being fed something that I'm allergic to.  She has sworn to herself that she will no longer feed me human food.

Yea...  right...

This is Tonya were talking about here.  She is the "push over" when it comes to begging and me getting table scraps and the like.  Now, the Big Guy, he just doesn't feed me anything that he puts on his plate.  Now, if I do "discover" stuff that has landed in my food dish, well, he neither denies or confirms that he put stuff in my food dish.

It's going to be recycle day tomorrow.  So there is likely going to be a lot of blue bags being put out for the garbage tonight.  Since our garbage guys always shows up very early in the morning, the Big Guy always has to put his garbage out the night before.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog forgets his indoor voice

Bye bye fur now

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