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Sunday, 5 January 2020

5/Jan/20 who said dogs can't look up

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Big Guy had read that dogs can't look up.  Well I would beg to differ.  I would say that every dog has the ability to look up.

What a dumb thing for some scientist to say.

So, this would be it...  The first Major Snow Storm for 2020 for Cape Breton Island.  Now for the Highlands, I'm sure they would disagree as they have been having a lot of snow already.  But I'm talking about the Eastern part of Cape Breton island, where Sydney and the surrounding areas are.

So the snow blower is going to be getting a work out tonight, or perhaps tomorrow.  Depends on how the Big Guy sees how much snow is falling when he goes to bed.

Tonya was saying that she wants the Big Guy to make something yummy for today.  When he asked, what she had in mind...  well...  she didn't know.  Just that it should be yummy.  Of course the Big Guy often gets confused about what Tonya wants.  Yummy is a broad word when it comes to cooking something.

Perhaps she would like steak and eggs for breakfast.  He would actually cook it too, if that's what she wants.  Why didn't she just make it simple for him and just tell him to cook this or that.  Not just something yummy.

Everything is still in the freezer.  So, I guess she is going to have nothing.  Yummy or not, I guess nothing is not going to fill the bill here.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog running around our back deck

Bye bye fur now

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