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Monday, 20 January 2020

20/Jan/20 this is how to relax during a snow storm

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, yesterday, we got 21 cm of snow.  That was right around what was forecasted to snow.  But it doesn't make the Big Guy any happier knowing how much snow fell.  It just means that he will have to go outside and clean up the snow.

But he does have a good machine to do that.

Also, as a bonus, his next door neighbor has already done the bulk of the work for him.  Lorne got out his tractor yesterday and has cleaned up the driveway for the Big Guy.  So he only has to go around the clean up the smaller parts.  So...  he should be done in record time today.

Although the Big Guy is really going to have to put some salt on the back deck.  It is coated with ice.  But that's because of what melts off the steel roof and then falls on the back steps and deck.

Yesterday, Tonya made some chili to take to work.  It was very well received.  They even brought some dinner rolls that they could have.

I over heard that they were going to take the left over dinner rolls and throw them out to the sea gulls.

The birds get pretty hungry as well.  But they do say that bread isn't all that good for birds.  That you should be feeding them bird seed.

They actually banned people from feeding the ducks bread and popcorn.  Well the city that did this, also found that the ducks were passing away from starvation.  So they lifted the ban and the ducks that lived, were healthy.  So, in the end, taking the food away from the ducks, didn't prove to be such a good idea after all.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog picnic table part 2

Bye bye fur now

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