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Saturday, 4 January 2020

4/Jan/20 be very quiet, I'm hunting dust heebies

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

A lot of people will comment on the size of my paws.

This is your standard hardwood floor.  So, you can just flip me around and see by comparison, how big my paws actually are.

They give me a lot of stability in the snow and on ice.

Then there is the fact that I've got short legs as compared with other dogs.  Like a great dane.  They have long legs, but relatively medium size paws for their height and weight.

Then, there is my shiny coat.

My coat is so black, it's almost blue.  My white fur is also, very white.  I've seen another Bernese Mountain Dog, and their white fur, it has a shade of yellow to it.  I personally think, it's the cheap food the owner if feeding their dog.

The Big Guy says, I'm going to put him in the poor house with how expensive my food is.

Hmmm...  if you got a problem with my kibble, perhaps you can just feed me steak instead?

Your Blast From the past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog gets brushed

Bye bye fur now

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