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Monday, 13 January 2020

13/Jan/20 will there be school today

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

One item that is always in the news, especially after it has snowed.  Will school be open or closed? 

Parents should be smart enough to know if it's safe enough to send their children to school.  

Parents shouldn't have to depend on someone else to tell them that.

Now, "they" were forecasting for freezing rain.

Well we didn't get the freezing rain.  What we did get was ice pellets.  So ice pellets doesn't stick to the power lines and trees.  It does fall to the ground and it does make a mess as it doesn't fall as snow.  So the ice pellets are tight together.  It is rather easy to walk across.  Not like snow where you will fall "through" the snow.

There isn't much for snow banks, as the ice pellets was only 4 to 5 cm thick after the storm had passed.

But if the school is closed or not, the custodians for the school still have to go to work to make sure that the school grounds are cleared of all the snow and ice pellets.

Myself, as long as I can go outside, I really don't care of the kids have school or not.

The kids that should be really worried about going to school today are the kids that live in the Canadian Prairies.  It is going to be around +50 C in some parts of the Prairies today.  If those kids miss their school bus, they have a real chance to freeze to death before they could make it to their neighbor's house.

Ahh...  soon enough, the Big Guy will be fully retired...  as long as he clears a path in the snow for the mail and the oil delivery people, he can stay inside all the time.  Then he will only need to go outside when the weather is nice and clean up the driveway so that he can get his groceries.  Oh and my kibble.  Lets not forget my kibble.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog playing out front with Tonya

Bye bye fur now

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