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Tuesday, 21 January 2020

21/Jan/20 the snow is getting rather deep

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So... did you get to see Tonya out on the Big Guy's snow blower yesterday?  She is a bit of a nut.

I'm not sure if these links are going to work or not, but here goes...

So, this is what originally started her thinking about dressing up...

Then, this is what she does when she gets dressed up...

The Big Guy was also able to put quite a bit of salt on the back steps so that they will no longer slip and fall when going in and out the back door.

The Big Guy can also be so organized when it comes to making stuff for them to eat.  For example...  he made some donair stuff.

He has it in each container, ready to go.  He has two containers of donair meat, then two containers of tomatoes, also the onions and then donair sauce in the front.

Yes, he certainly lives life on the edge...

Now, if it were Tonya...  first off the kitchen would be a disaster zone.  Yes, she would clean it up.  But the Big Guy cleans as he goes a long.  She finds that very enduring about him.

However, you can also stay OUT of the Big Guy's kitchen when he is going to be cooking something.  Do NOT ask if there is anything you can do to help him.  Staying out of his way would be the one thing he would ask.  Keeping him company and having some wine, that would be a big help for him.  I'm sure a lot of you would do that for him.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog having difficult time with a hot dog

Bye bye fur now

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