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Wednesday, 22 January 2020

22/Jan/20 I'm keeping your blanket warm for later

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So, yesterday I posted these two links so that people would be able to see the video of Tonya snow blowing the yard with her unicorn outfit on.

Well I guess not everyone could see the links.

So, today, the Big Guy is going to be making a YouTube video.  He has to get a few bits done first, but then he will be able to get the video done and it will be able to be shared.

Of course, he is hoping that he will become a YouTube star once this goes viral.

Then again, he had also hoped that the video of me flying would also go viral.  It didn't.  (This will be today's video, down below)

I guess you have to be in the right place and the right time for that to happen.

I heard that my Aunt Elaine, who lives by herself, fell into a the snow the other day.  She was getting her Aunt and Uncle to pick her up to get something or other from the store.  Well her driveway wasn't plowed out.  So, she had to creep down the driveway to get to their car.  As she was making her way down the driveway, she fell, face first into the snow.

Well, as she fell, she also got tangled up in her purse and the walking cane that she has.  From what Tonya tells me, she has quite the black eye from where she fell.

She has since hired someone new to plow out her driveway.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog dreaming about flying

Bye bye fur now

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