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Thursday, 23 January 2020

23/Jan/20 she doesn't want me to leave her side

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

So it is rather confusing.

Tonya will call me over to the couch.

She will asking me to get up on the couch with her.

Then, she will motion for me to lay down with her and cuddle.

Then she will start screaming about my elbows digging into her.

Or that I'm too heavy.

My breather stinks.

Geesh, talk about sending mixed messages.

There is this cat that was in the cartoons a long time ago.  His name was Garfield.  He loved lasagna.

The Big Guy made lasagna yesterday.  It had hamburger.  Sausage.  Pepperoni.  Celery.  Carrots.  Green and Yellow peppers.  Mushrooms.  Diced tomatoes.  Tomato sauce.  Beef broth.  A lot of spices.  Lasagna noodles.  Cheese, oh my, lots and lots of cheese. And, then, just to make sure I couldn't have any...  Two onions, cut up and added to the whole lot.

He KNOWS I can't have onions.

He can be such a shit at times.

Your Blast From the Past

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog in the Wing Chair

Bye bye fur now

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