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Monday, 27 January 2020

27/Jan/20 I can see the outside world from this window

Good morning world.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home, in Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Today, the Big Guy has a mission.

What is that mission, you may ask?

It is to go to Sobey's and pick up a roast beef.

What is so special about a roast beef, you may ask?

It's prime rib.

Sobey's has prime rib roast on for $6.99 a pound.  Normally the price is at least double that.

A few weeks back, Atlantic Superstore had their prime rib on for $4.99 a pound.  Had the Big Guy been thinking, he would have got 2 roasts.

Last time they had a roast like that, Tonya gave me one of the bones to clean up and chew on.  I was able to clean up the outside and get the meat that was left on it, but then, when I started to gnaw on the bone, suddenly I was given a treat and the bone disappeared somewhere.

Just like now.  The Big Guy is cooking some chicken pieces for their lunch.  Not very often will Tonya give up some of her chicken.  Oh and NEVER the bones.  Nope, chicken bones are for the Sea Gulls.

But the other night, they had some chicken wings, and when they were done, in stead of keeping the chicken bones on the counter till the morning, the Big Guy opened up the back door and threw them off the back deck where you walk into the house.

Later on, a fox came by and he ate up all the chicken bones.  So the Sea Gulls didn't get any of the chicken bones the next day.

Hey, did the fox get my beef bone that day?

Your Blast From the Past.

Your Daily Video - Max our Bernese Mountain Dog and his magic act

Bye bye fur now

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