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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

31/Jan/18 bend and stretch, reach for the stars

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

When the Big Guy wakes me up in the morning, I stretch and yawn.  It feels so good.  I flex all my muscles.  As you can see, I am open my mouth really big.

Last night, Tonya was looking at recipes online.  Well this one recipe caught her eye.  It has to do with sausages, cabbage, onions, celery, carrots, etc.  They are not eating potatoes, so instead, the Big Guy put in butternut squash.  It smells pretty good.  But like everything else he makes, I will not be allowed to have any.

So I'm not sure about the places where you live, but where I live, we had a lot of snow and freezing rain.

Now, starting tomorrow and Friday, we are supposed to get a lot of rain.  So the Big Guy wants to make sure that he shovels a path from the front door to the road.  He says that it shouldn't take too long.  Now, the snow could be kinda heavy as it was raining.  My non-furry Memere told the Big Guy to put some PAM cooking spray on his shovel.  That way, the went heavy snow will not stick to his shovel.  So he's going to try that today to see if it works or not.

There is times when I am put outside that I don't want to come back inside.  Today was no exception.  I didn't want to come inside.  Well the Big Guy was making noises like he was a door bell.  I obliged him and came inside to investigate.  (Did he really think I'm that dumb?)

Then again... I am inside now...

I have a question for you.  I've been doing this Word of the Day for the last month.  Should I continue?  Or give it up?  Or you really don't care, your only looking at the pretty pictures of me and don't really read my blog that much.  Although you may not know it, but I write the "My sentence" before I give you what the real description of the word really is.  If you feel that this is fun and should continue, please let the Big Guy know.

OK, so on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Kirtle  (noun)

Definition:  A woman's gown or a man's tunic

Sentence:  In the Middle Ages, men wore kirtles to their weddings.

My sentence:  Tonya, put on the kirtle, we're coming over for tea.

Bye bye fur now.

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