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Sunday, 14 January 2018

14/Jan/18 I'm a pretty flower

Good morning Cape Breton.

Maximus Handsomius here from my forever home.

This flower has teeth and I've been slowly destroying the cone that they put on my head.  I managed to put a crease in the plastic, which slowly created a crack.  I've been expanding on the crack.  

This morning, I was able to hook my cone around the Big Guy's Keyboard and made it go FLYING.  I guess I'm luck that I didn't break the keyboard, or that would end my blog pretty quickly.

The Big Guy put me outside this morning and decided to give me a dental treat when I came back inside.  Well the dental treat was UNDER my cone.  I could see the treat, but no matter how much I tried to bite it, I wasn't able to get to it.  

Funny video right?

Here I am on the couch with my cone on.

I'm NOT happy.

Tonya said that she is going to attach petals to my cone so that I can be a pretty flower.

I'm thinking: NO!  

I do not feel very flower like.

When they try to put me outside, my friggin cone keeps getting hooked on the door frame and I can't go outside.  I'm trying to go, but the cone is holding me back.

The Big Guy says that my cone has to stay in place so that my incisions will heal.  He doesn't want them to get infected.  

Last night, I found out, I'm flexible enough to get my back paws to my mouth, EVEN with the cone on my head.  But that got me yelled at.  I just want to nibble on the medical wraps.  Just a little bit.

There is 0% snow left on the ground.  Yesterday's temperature and the rain took care of that.  So this week, they are only forecasting a wee bit of snow.  Well, 10 cm for tomorrow.  Just enough to allow the Big Guy to get out his snow blower again.  He said that this time, he is going to make sure to push the snow back, away from end of his driveway.

Well, on to the Word of the Day.  Today's word is:

Slugabed (noun)

Definition: a lazy person who stays in bed late

Sentence: an early riser is no slugabed

My sentence: If slugs carry their shell, which is their house, do they have a slugabed in their house?

Bye bye fur now.

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